Board of Zoning Appeals, Village of East Hills

The Island Now

Legal Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS will hold a meeting and public hearings on Thursday February 9, 2017 at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, New York to consider the following applications:
MR. AND MRS. ALAN BOCHNER request TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 175 REVERE ROAD, designated as Section 7 Block 139 Lot 4 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and within the R2 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code 271-43(c), Yards, the minimum rear yard setback in the R-2 district is 25 feet. The proposed setback is 19 feet. Therefore, a variance is requested for a 6 foot rear yard setback encroachment. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code 271-41, Lot coverage, the maximum permitted lot coverage is 25%. The proposed lot coverage is 28%. Therefore a variance is requested for 3% of lot coverage.
JRJM DEVELOPMENT II, LLC requests TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 18 LAWN DRIVE, designated as Section 7 Block 273 Lots 33 and 36 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and within the R1 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß 271-235, Floor Area, the maximum permitted floor area in the R1 Zone is 6,100 sf. The proposed floor area is 10,088 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 3,988 square feet of floor area. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß 271-228, Building Height, the height of residential buildings is limited to 30 feet. The proposed building height from average grade is 34.5 feet. Therefore, a variance is requested for 4.5 feet of building height.
MR. BILLY BREITNER requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 65 POPLAR DRIVE, designated as Section 7 Block 302 Lot 11 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and within the R1 district of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code ß 271-232, Height Setback Ratio Requirements, front yard limitations, the front elevation is encroaching into the sky plane. Therefore, a variance is requested for 1 foot 6 inches of front yard height setback encroachment.
Maps and plans regarding above applications are available for inspection at the office of the Village Clerk during the hours of 10:30 A.M. thru 3:30 P.M.
Michael Kosinski, Chairman
Dated: January 25, 2017
RT #145025
1x 01/27/2017    #145025

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