Columnists’ fangs sink into large majority of GN voters

The Island Now

The famous caped Dracula actor Bela Lugosi once said: “I have never met a vampire personally, but I don’t know what might happen tomorrow.”

It looks like Mr. Lugosi will finally have the chance for such a personal meeting (assuming that we can bring Mr. Lugosi back from the dead).

Thanks to Karen Rubin, a full 70 percent of Great Neck voters are now “vampires dripping blood.” (In Ms. Rubin’s Nov. 17, 2011 Great Neck News article, Ms. Rubin referred to those of us who voted against the overly expensive library bond as “vampires dripping blood” and unfairly attacked dedicated, financially astute former library trustee Norm Rutta, CPA, and others. )

Great Neck is a great place: During the past four months, we went through three very heated elections – and no one else engaged in name-calling. Let’s urge Ms. Rubin to please stop her name-calling and unfair attacks already, and to stick to civil discussion about issues.

Elizabeth Berney, Esq.

Transylvania/Great Neck


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