Federal border agents not overpaid ‘fat cats’

The Island Now

I generally agree with Matthew Zeidman, who on March 8 disputed Dr. Morris’ March 1 statements about federal workers, especially “civil service” workers. While Dr. Morris may have made some points (which are true about all employees in all forms of industries). Mr. Zeidman made the more important points, particularly with respect to career civil service employees, who take exams, undergo employee reviews and are generally vetted before being appointed to their positions.

Both Mr. Zeidman and Dr. Morris are right about their statements over privileged “fat cat” politicians and their crony backroom workers who are rewarded by getting government positions who qualifications amount to nothing but “bird dogging” for the politicians who they work for.

As a matter of fact, one these federal employees gave up his life a few yeas ago protecting our border against Mexican criminals. Calling him a “fat cat” is an insult to his dedication to our country.


Morton Perlman

Great Neck

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