Gounaris has school, biz skills needed on Herricks board

The Island Now

We met Jim Gounaris and his wife Georgia 11 years ago, when his oldest daughter and our son began kindergarten at Denton Avenue Elementary School.

Since that time we have become very close family friends due to our children striking up good friendships. We were actually pregnant with our fourth child at the same time and our two daughters are now the best of friends participating in the Language Immersion program at Denton Avenue School.

How amazing it is that these two young girls can be together in an academic and social environment and speak Spanish as well. They have come a long way with learning the Spanish language as well as many laughs in the beginning when it was so new to them. Jim was one of the driving forces for implementing this program since the idea of a language immersion program was brought to our school district many years ago.

Six years ago when the Language Immersion program concept was brought up for discussion and implementation, Jim absorbed himself in trying to get the program started. He attended Board meetings regularly as well as committee meetings in an effort to have the program begin.

Unfortunately at the time, certain restraints halted the program. When we asked Jim why he felt so passionate about the program, he told us that it was the concept of a new educational program that would help each student benefit to a higher intellect and that it would be available for all children who wished to join. It was not reserved for any one specific category or group of students – all students may participate in it.

He felt strongly that we needed to begin moving our school district, which is a leader as far as districts go, further into even better and more improved programs that would enable Herricks’ students every opportunity within their education to continue to be at the very top of excellence.

He was disappointed but told us not to worry because in time a great program like this would come back for implementation. This year we are now seeing the dream come true.

Jim’s passion for all the children of Herricks is definitely clear. He believes that the accolades bestowed upon the Herricks School District belong to all students and not any one particular group. He believes it starts with all the families that live in the district that provide a magical support system for their children. Whether they are “empty nester” retirees, families with children, or our wonderful Herricks employees, Jim feels everyone together deserves the credit.

We have worked together with Jim on several PTA events and functions. He was an important facet in the cub scouts as one of its local co-sponsors. He has offered his time to scouting for both boys and girls, soccer clubs, Baseball teams and much more. He has put all this time in plus runs a successful group of restaurants while taking time to teach Sunday school and help anyone in need. Jim has helped our family and others many times when necessary and never hesitated to come forward and take a stand or to support people when the time arose.

In these tough economic times, we feel there is no better candidate for the Herricks School Board than Jim Gounaris. His business skills, honesty, integrity as well as his humanity are exactly what we need as a trustee of the Herricks School Board. Please join us in voting for the best candidate in this election for Herricks School Board.

On May 17 cast your vote for our good friend Jim Gounaris, a friend for one and all!

George Jr. and Jeanne P. Theodoropoulos



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