Help reverse decline of GN Library

The Island Now

I have lived in Great Neck since 1970.  My husband, Jack, and I chose to move here because of its outstanding schools, library and recreational facilities.  We still love living here.  Both of us have served the local community in various ways.  I am a former trustee of the library. 

 It saddens us that we have witnessed the decline of the Great Neck Library.

  There are a number of very serious issues:

The condition of Main is alarming.  The progress of the most recent Building Committee is at a snail’s pace.  The public will see more costs in attorney, architect and consultant fees while the building deteriorates and we are all denied the pleasure of a 21st century facility.

The library no longer has a reserve fund for capital improvements, thanks to recent boards.  It spent the reserves it did have instead of building up a reserve fund in reasonably small increments.

The staff has been hit with reduced hours, a hiring freeze and threats of reduced salaries and benefits.  Contract negotiations have faltered. Morale is at a low. Support our staff.

The longer these issues remain on the table, the less our beloved library will serve its patrons.  It’s long overdue for the board and administration to fix what is broken.  Join me at meetings and make your voices heard.


Magery Binder

Great Neck

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