Lack of problems plagues county

The Island Now

Oscar the Grouch ain’t got nothing on Nassau County. In a Christmas special that aired last week Oscar pleaded with singer Michael Buble not to wish him a “Merry Christmas.” Why? Oscar doesn’t like anything that’s happy.

In the real world of Nassau County our readers engaged in a battle that was nearly as silly. “What is wrong with saying Merry Christmas?” asks one letter writer. “If you see a menorah,” writes Ann Reilly, “you should also see a manger.”

The problem, which has become an annual event, began when CVS put up banners in their windows that did not say Merry Christmas. Rather they said “Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Happy Hanukah.” This offended some shoppers who maintain that Christmas is not covered by “Happy Holidays.”

The way we see it there is no shortage of signs and symbols celebrating Christmas. From Christmas trees and brightly decorated houses to manger scenes and giant wreaths, reminders of the Yuletide season are everywhere. Menorahs and dreidels are somewhat harder to find, but they’re out there too.

We suspect that even those with no particular religious belief enjoy the lights and embracing spirit of the season. (We’re certain the stores do.) Petty arguments over store banners only take way from the good feelings.

There was something that brought special joy to this holiday season. Over the past two weeks hundreds of families welcomed home soldiers returning from the war in Iraq. That is truly something we can all celebrate.

A Blank Slate Media Editorial


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