Reader’s Write: Government offers solutions to pubic problems

The Island Now

During the course of recorded history there has been the rise and fall of empires and such as Attila and the Huns and Genghis Kahn along with the hordes rampaging across Eurasia. Then came the Crusades which were so much head bashing in the Middle East. Then the Inquisition with stretching on the rack and whatever else with the purpose of squeezing some juice of belief from so-called heretics. Here in our country was the clearing of the land of brush, trees, wildlife and the natives who for as far as we know called it home from the beginning of time. Now we are dealing with Jihad and terrorism.

We are quite ignorant of the forces playing out behind the above. Does the pendulum swing back? Some would say much of the above was so long ago but in light of the duration of our existence, it is just the blink of an eye.

While on the subject of clearing the land is the 1930s during the great depression (another phenomena) and the great dust bowl that resulted from plowing under the grass of the plains. Those were hard times and our government stepped in with the best it had to develop better land management and to help the people. That is what our Government For The People does whether it is 47 percent or otherwise. 

I can attest to there being fraud in Medicare and Medicaid but not Social Security.

It is said that the unemployment rate in countries such as Spain and Greece is as high as 25 percent. They are less into heavy industry with perhaps more of a laid-back lifestyle. If they are happy that way, so be it. I am sure that as here, the stores are full of food, wearing apparel and autos to name a few. It would not be otherwise as the Johnny’s on the spot are always ahead of the game.  Perhaps there, three days of work per week for everyone would do it. Here with perhaps 20% needing work, four days is about right.

There are many here who are serious about finding the correct solution though many of those are bent under various pressures to be politically correct. For those who think it is funny and deride these serious efforts, perhaps newspapers could have a section in back next to sports called Kiddie Kazoo. They could lock themselves in for a time each week. It would provide them with freedom of  speech and they could have their fun too. 

It is good that the job figures have shown slight improvement the past few months but we will see what happens with all the new graduates from high school and college arriving on the scene.

Charles Samek


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