Readers Write: Gus the Central Park polar bear will be sorely missed

The Island Now

I would like to say how sad it is for Gus the Polar Bear to no longer be with us. For what is Central Park without him. We truly need another polar bear but who can replace our beloved Gus? 

Children admired and loved this magnificent creature as we all did. 

My husband Fred and I would go to the Central Park Zoo many times over the years. But the highlight of the trip would be seeing Gus the polar bear do his thing. 

When he would go into the water, he would swim on his back and do that thing with his paw as if he was waving to the crowd. He would do this many times and he would go back and forth often. 

My husband Fred would say, “Gus really likes to ham it up.” So it was really sad to read he has passed on. 

And yet, if there is a animal heaven, maybe it can be said that Gus is finally free to roam the tundra for all eternity and not be subject to physical restrictions. 

Gus we will really miss you, so R.I.P. Gus.

 Eva Bedell

Glen Oaks Village

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