View From High School: Keeping New Year resolutions

Samantha Pye

As we enter another January of enviably crossing out “2015” or turning the 5 into a 6 to write “2016,” with a New Year’s just passing people are also hoping to keep a resolution, including students and staff of Roslyn High School.

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, only  45 percent of citizens regularly make New Year’s resolutions.

Some resolutions vary from luxurious ones such as vacationing more, keeping organized, learn something new and adopt a new hobby. 

With gym faculties craving new members in the new year, their ever-so-popular sales on memberships attracts many, encouraging them to aim towards being more fit and healthy in the New Year, while snagging you money. 

The most common resolutions are both beneficial and serve for health reasons, such as trying to losing weight, quit smoking, exercising more and eating healthier. physical education teacher Bob Gerula has created a resolution he will try to keep.

“[My resolution is to] stay fit and maintain a healthy diet,” he said.

 Some 47 percent of people make educational and self-improvement goals to ring in the New Year. 

This includes staying organized, improving note taking skills, work habits and of course, grades. Additionally, many students will thrive in the New Year to become more involved, improve in a sport or club and manage time more efficiently.

Along those hoping to self-improve is sophomore Evan Jaslow with a personal resolution regarding others that he hopes to keep. Jaslow wants to be more philanthropic in 2016. 

 “My New Years resolution is to give more to people, help them out more,” he said. 

Additionally, 34 percent of people are known to make financial resolutions such as save more and spend less, increase their income or improve sales in a business. 

But, how many of these are actually kept successfully?

Though resolutions are good ideas, the average person, students and adults alike have so many competing priorities such as work and school that this ongoing type of goal set for the future is doomed to failure.

Out of the 45 percent that usually make resolutions, over 24 percent have reported failure. 

Only a reedy 8 percent have reported immense, or any success. 

 Due to this repetitive failure, many have given up on the idea of resolutions in the first place. Other things always seem to block the pathway to their goal. 

 “I don’t make resolutions anymore,” freshman Jordan Tamir said. “One year I tried to make a resolution of falling asleep earlier, but it’s hard to keep that resolution during school.”

 So, what exactly prevents people from maintaining their resolutions? 

According to a recent study conducted at The US National Library of Medicine, it depends. 

 “Slips were typically precipitated by a lack of personal control, excessive stress, and negative emotion,” their report read. 

 Some try to keep their goals simpler and more within reach. This, for many, will help the person To stay motivated and compelled to work hard at it

 Putting aside resolution of staying and healthy, Gerula has another very simple “main resolution” he said he hopes to keep, and it’s also one of the most popular resolutions in America. 

 “Overall, my main goal is to be the best person I can be,” he said.

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