Readers Write: Nations of world must unite to support France

The Island Now

Paris, France, is reeling from the carnage perpetrated by ISIS terrorists who killed innocent people. 

Now 128 killed in six attacks and many more seriously injured. These nefarious and egregious acts by terrorists sent by ISIS  must  be brought to justice. 

President Obama has said in  connection with these most heinous acts against  innocent  people was that,” 

This is not just an attack on Paris  or the  people of France, it was an attack on humanity.” 

He is  absolutely right, which I applaud. 

The nations of the  world  must join together in solidarity with France to  eradicate  these evil doers. 

ISIS is the personification of those  beliefs that is diametrically oppose to all we hold  most  dear and that is life, liberty, and the pursuit of  happiness. In closing let me offer my heartfelt prayers  to  the families, friends and co-workers who lost those  that  they held most dear and are faced with much grief. 

Let  me  also say this: “Vive La France.”

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village

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