From the Desk: New e-mail alert system for all events, meetings planned

Paul Ehbar

The village has decided to implement a new program in an attempt to keep our residents informed of events and meetings that are occurring in the village throughout the year. 

This is a voluntary program  that will allow the village to provide notification whenever necessary  to participating  residents in a fast and efficient way. 

While events, whether routine, special or of an emergency nature are regularly placed on our Web page, we would like to expand the notification process.  

In order to reach as many residents as possible, in a short period of time, it has been decided that an email system be established to accomplish this goal. For all those wanting to participate, send an  e-mail to notifications

By doing so, the village will add that e-mail address to our contact list. 

If an individual has more than one e-mail address we request that each address be sent separately from the e-mail address that you would like on our village list. That will allow staff to easily put the sending e-mail on our contact list. Whenever a new event or document is posted to the Web site those on the village contact list have an opportunity to receive a copy of that posting in their personal email box, automatically. 

While it won’t be necessary to visit the village Web site to receive the important information being sent, we encourage all to continue visiting the site as much of the information located there is standard and informational yet not of a nature that needs to be sent out.  

If any resident, after enrolling in the program decides to discontinue this service their e-mail address can  easily be removed from the village list by sending a follow up e-mail to the same address (notifications 

While  every attempt will be made to reach as many of our residents as possible, we ask all to pass this information and e-mail address on to friends and neighbors who may not be aware of the program, yet would like to participate. Please note that the aforementioned email address is to be used for the stated purpose only, as this will a dedicated e-mail address. 

For other communications with the village, please use the other already established e-mail address.

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