Readers Write: Obama has undermined military’s strength

The Island Now

Harry S. Truman was a fantastic American.  

He served as an artillery officer in World War I. He witnessed first hand what death and destruction was all about.  

When FDR died in office he became the Commander-in-Chief in World War II and had to make the decision of his life.  

To end the war with Japan by sending in the troops to invade Japan’s homeland or drop the atomic bomb on two cities and possibly end the war.

He knew that dropping the bombs would cause tens of thousands of civilians to die. 

He also knew if he didn’t drop the bombs thousands upon thousands of U.S. military personnel would perish during an invasion.  

We all knew what his decision was.  Many American lives were saved.

And what about our generals? What were their thoughts in WW II?

General George S. Patton said: “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

General Douglas MacArthur said: “In war there is no substitute for victory.”

And the great “Ike” [General Dwight D. Eisenhower] lsaid: “History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.”

Which leads me to the present  weak and timid present Commander-in-Chief playing at being the Commander-in-Chief. 

He is clueless as to what war is all about.  As a community organizer lawyer, who has probably not ever held a water pistol, he has issued guidelines how  war should conducted.

The following blew my mind! This per The New York Times on 1/21/2016: The headline reads: “Obama Relaxes Rules of Engagement for Striking Islamic State in Afghanistan — President Obama has made it easier for the military to get approvals for strikes in Afghanistan targeting militias that have sworn allegiance to the Islamic state…”

While our men and women are putting their lives of the line for the rest of us safely living in America, our military leaders have to get approval from Obama or one of the dummies he has surrounded himself with? 

How is it done? 

Does a military person on the ground send an email to Obama stating that Muslim Jihadist Terrorist have just fired on us but ran into a mosque to hide. Can we return fire? 

 Please answer as soon as possible. We realize that you may be on a golf course and we don’t want to disturb you, but this is really urgent, sir.

 Check this out: “S.O.S.for a Declining American Navy” — The Wall Street Journal [1/7/16] -—“The Navy-after nearly $1 trillion of Defense Department cuts…is already down to 272 ships…today’s 272 ship fleet isn’t nearly enough. The U.S. needs 350 ships to meet the rising global dangers.”

And this from ISSUES & INSIGHTS (11/2/2015): “A Reign Of Error On Nat’l Defense — Military Readiness: Pretty much everyone — even ex-state Sen. Barack Obama says a president has no greater responsibility than national defense, protecting the homeland, its people and interest abroad. 

So, why isn’t he?” 

The article continued:

1. The Marine Corps, the crisis strike force, has fallen from 292,000 to 184,000

2. The Navy stretches deployment  to cover gaps. It’s one carrier short into next year 

3. The Air Force’s tactical aircraft squadrons will soon number 26, down from 133 in the 1990s.

And in this same article former Vice President Dick Cheney had this to say: “If you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing.”

John Messina

East Williston

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