Readers Write: Obama turning U.S. into U.S.S.R.

The Island Now

The sirens went off, sending its  piercing sounds resonating throughout  my school. 

We were instantaneously alerted to the incoming Soviet atomic warhead! Our reaction had been practiced so often that it became  a routine exercise. 

Every student and teacher knew exactly what to do. We scrambled to get under those old wooden desks, always facing away from the windows. We placed our hands over our heads and closed our eyes to shield them from the anticipated flash and radioactive mushroom cloud. 

After years of practice and weekly drills, this ingenious plan would fully protect us from the impending  Russian nuclear attack. (yeah, right!)   

Sixty years later, all that seems so ridiculous. But, that’s what it was like for me and every other New York City school child in the 1950s. 

The dangers of Russian-style communism was taught in every school. The Soviets were our enemy and inevitably they were going to attack us. Their goal was to spread their form of dictatorship throughout the world.    

The  Russian people expected, and for quite a while, received amazing utopian benefits:

1 – ”free” socialized medicine.(just like ObamaCare)

2 – “free” education (just like our immense student loan program) 

3 – a “free” house, similar to our very low-interest mortgages.

4 – a “free” car (cash for clunkers)

5 – a vast bureaucracy providing guaranteed lifelong government jobs for millions of Russians. (sound familiar?) 

6 – always enough food ( and vodka!)  (check out our massive food-stamp program and legalized marijuana) 

7 – early retirement, full pensions and life-long health benefits!

What a life! The best part of it was that it was brought to you by your “friends” in Moscow and that it was totally “free.” 

Unfortunately it must have been designed by Bernie Madoff since it turned out to be greatest Ponzi scheme of all time. America, we may be next!   

“There is no such thing as a free lunch.”, Milton Friedman, economist.      

Russians were expected to repay their government’s generosity and show their gratitude by:    

1 – removing any semblance of traditional religion, and replacing it with a state-sponsored form of deity. Sound familiar?

2 – supporting and voting for the party who made all of this possible! Where did I hear that one before?

3 – allowing the central government to control everything, the banks, financial system, education and many private businesses. “Nationalizing” an industry was the new accepted concept. Hello Chrysler!    

4 – In the name of security, they had to give up their constitutional rights and privileges. Hello  KGB!  Welcome IRS! 

“I will never abuse this power.”          

Barack Obama, June 7, 2013 

1 – Obama does not think there is anything wrong with ordering Verizon to turn over everyone’s phone records. Not only those suspected of committing a crime! Everyone!

2 – President Obama favors the idea of examining everyone’s e-mails. Really? Better not put anything in writing anymore. 

3 – He likes the idea of going through the financial statements and tax returns of all dissenting groups, searching for a reason to audit their tax returns ! Oh I forgot, he really didn’t know about it! 

4 – The government has even started to monitor our Internet usage.  

Does this finally start to scare you? 

5 – Government computers have the names of all the organizations you belong to, even those you just support or have donated money to. Really?  There is more, 

6 – Did you forget that they now have all of your medical records! They know if you have taken a pregnancy test. Your employer will know if you are seeing a therapist!! Your boss can find out if your spouse is on antidepressants! Or if you are being tested for hepatitis. Nothing is private anymore! 

7 – If you are a Conservative, a Tea Party member, Pro-life or even have the word “patriot “ in the title of your organization, you might be the subject of a “targeted” tax audit! Your group definitely won’t get any tax-exempt status like all those groups supporting the administration. All in the name of security!

But don’t worry, the “Woodward and Bernsteins” of our “free” press, will always be there to get out the truth. Wait a minute. 

Our newspaper reporters may now think twice about exposing government abuses because the  Associated Press just had all their e-mails “checked” by the National Security Administration. Sounds like a modern version of the 1950s, Russian newspaper, Pravda.  

The message is loud and clear! Think twice before you dare criticize this President. Or else!!     

But, “If you did nothing wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about.” 

Really? That’s not what I think! And now, that’s not what the ACLU thinks either. They  formally sued the government last week, saying that Barack Obama didn’t have the right to demand all their records from Verizon. Way to go ACLU! Please don’t tell any of my Tea Party friends that I actually agree with you! 

“But we are in a war against terrorism” No one gave this administration the constitutional right to open everyone’s emails, everyone’s phone records, check everyone’s affiliations !  Just suspected terrorists! And only with a court order!  Period! Got it? That’s the law ! That’s the constitution we fought for in 1776 .

What happened in the Soviet Union was very predictable:

1 – Eventually, they ran out of working people’s money to pay for all those “free” benefits. They were totally bankrupt. 

2 – The Russian bureaucracy  was incompetent at running these massive entitlement programs and were just interested in expanding their own power! 

3 – The incentive to work totally disappeared! Why work if you can get it for free?   and 

4 – The people  demanded their god-given freedoms back !  

“We should have a serious dialogue about this.” 

Barack Obama 6/7/13    

But how can we debate this issue, Mr. President, when you have kept all these details hidden from us?         

Wake up America! ,   

Read George Orwell    

But, it may be to late!                    


Dr. Stephen Morris DDS       

North Hills

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