Reader’s Write: Obamacare critics malign, misrepresent program

The Island Now

As I continue to find few defenders of healthcare reform, and indeed, am subjected to the nonsense from enemies of this landmark measure as they continually try to malign and misrepresent, I feel it necessary to repeat some truths. 

No matter how hard the forces of destruction try to spread lies and offer no viable alternatives, I will repeat myself. In Massachusetts, the model for the ACA is working. Indeed, it was created by a Republican think tank, the Heritage Foundation. 

Of course, the Republicans never mention this and Romney disavowed it. But when were they noted for telling the truth?

Over 40 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act have failed in the Congress. The Supreme Court has supported its constitutionality. 

When interviewed by the press, the most vocal enemies of the law, are speechless. Most recently, the arrogant Sen. Cruz was caught with his mouth open and resorted to one suggestion. “Sell insurance beyond state lines.” 

Our supposedly brilliant senator, a graduate of Ivy League institutions, along with many other less well informed colleagues, has had nothing of substance to say. 

He also revealed the emptiness beyond his facade by quoting children’s literature as he advocated a government shutdown that cost the taxpayers $24 billion.

Dear readers, do not believe that the country does not want Obamacare. 

Our citizens want improvement of the law. They are beginning to realize that the Congress, heavily lobbied by the private insurance industry and the pharmaceutical companies, managed to add provisions to the bill that increased its length. 

Now that we are seeing how wasteful these complications are, let us push for improvements. 

Of course, very few of us were alive when Social Security was created. It survived early difficulties. No one who cares about the good of our people wants to abolish Social Security, so let us try to fight for healthcare coverage for all as well.

We can improve the law. We cannot go backwards and start over, especially when we see that the other side has no new ideas and has wasted enough time on this, ignoring many other important problems to solve. 

We simply have to make our legislators do their jobs, for which they are very well paid. Maybe we should get rid of these employees and try some others.

Esther Confino

New Hyde Park

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