Readers Write: Praise of Obama very undeserved

The Island Now

Ms. Rubin: I read your opinion piece published last week on Jan. 20.

I am glad to see you have awakened from your years-long coma and resumed writing your with your usual insightfulness.

You seemed to have missed some very pertinent details of Obama’s accomplishments. I will attempt to fill in a few gaps for you.

Voters were so enthralled with Obama’s failed stimulus bill and unaffordable care act that the off-year 2010 election gave control of the House of Representatives to Republicans.

The 2012 and 2014 elections gave control of the Senate to them, too, and they held onto the majorities this past November.

Also, the majority of governors and state houses are now under Republican control.

You missed the decline of race relations which actually were pretty good at the start of Obama’s first term.

Unfortunately, it has been downhill since then, as everything Obama’s has said only fostered enmity.

Start with the incident in Cambridge Mass., where Obama said the police acted stupidly when investigating suspicious behavior at the home of a Harvard professor.

Actually not, the professor refused to show his ID to the police proving he was the owner of the house.

This led to the beer garden “make nice” party at the White House, and the start of Obama’s vicious anti-police rhetoric and denigration of all police around the country.

Then there was the Trayvon Martin incident which, unfortunately led to the boy’s death.

However, it was proven that Martin did attack Zimmerman first, but Obama interjected with his stupid comment that if he had a son, he would be like Trayvon. Really?

Obama would have a drug-addled (proven on autopsy) son lurking around the neighborhood, urinating in front of someone’s house and smashing someone’s head to the ground?

Riots ensued, and unfortunately have continued whenever there is an incident with the police.

You can research the Garner encounter, and the Ferguson and Baltimore incidences which led to days of rioting, destruction of property and false accusations of police brutality.

Our nation’s race relations are worse than they were 8 years ago.

You gushed about the Iran Nuclear Deal, proclaiming it help restore America’s standing in the world.

But from his apology tour, bowing to other heads of state in the Middle East, leaving a disaster in Libya, four dead Americans in Benghazi, walking away from his proclaimed “red line” in Syria that led to hundreds of thousands death there, to ignoring that only the US Senate can advise and consent on treaties, Obama has left the Middle East in dire straits.

His rude treatment of Netanyahu and abstention on the UN vote on Israel last month proved he is no friend of our only true ally in the Middle East.

You are delusional if you think he left the world a better place. His foreign policy was disastrous to us and our allies who don’t trust us anymore.

The ACA is a joke.

More than half of the states that set up exchanges to implement the ACA have closed them because of outrageously high costs.

More than 70 percent of the newly insured are on Medicaid. Those who do not qualify for subsidies have thousands of dollars in deductibles.

Plus, Obama lied about keeping your doctor and your health plan.

Obama has one irrefutable standing.

He is the only president under which the GDP has been under 3 percent for each quarter of every year of his presidency. So, exactly how good is our economy? Not good at all.

Ms. Confino: Week after week you remind me of Chicken Little’s crying “the sky is falling” from a child’s story book.

Many of the statements you made can be applied to Obama, such as “he (referring to Trump) has arrogantly decided he can defy the Constitution.”

Obama has already done that, with his Iran Nuclear Treaty, and with his executive orders giving power to various agencies of the federal government, such as education, energy and HHS, allowing them to make the rules the electorate must follow.

That is Congress’s job — it’s called passing laws. BTW, Obama fits the medical definition of a classic narcissist.

Your assertion of Trump’s having a bromance with a dictator is pure speculation.

Didn’t JFK attempt summit meetings with Kruschev?

Haven’t all of our leaders attended meetings with world leaders? And wasn’t Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin’s representative that he would have more flexibility after he was re-elected?

Your commentary sounds more like wishful thinking than purely expressed opinion.

I suggest a wait and see attitude. Let’s see what Trump does in office. Name calling and badmouthing defines you, not the President.

P.S.: Every president has smart lawyers.

Dr. Wayne Roth: You are a welcome voice of logic in a crowd of irrational liberals.

Lauren Block


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