Readers Write: Save money, reduce purchase of best sellers

The Island Now

requested books from last week’s best seller list of hardcover books in the New York Times [from the Great Neck Library.]

The fiction books are bought in too great a quantity. Since I waited a week before requesting I allowed all the really anxious reader to precede me. 

For one book I was second on a list of four available. Translating this I will have the book next week.

From the nonfiction list I requested two books. 

For the one Drew Barrymore wrote I was seventh on the list for the one book in the collection. I accept that. 

For the book Gloria Steinem wrote I was 10th on the list for the one book in the library. This is also acceptable. 

She is not going away and I will probably have the books by Christmas.

Too many best sellers ordered. Save money. 

A two-month wait is very acceptable if you do not want to go out to the store and buy the book.

Norman Roland

Great Neck

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