Reader’s Write: Sparing mute swans the right decision

The Island Now

Perhaps the case has been won for not eradicating the mute swans. 

All of us who are immigrants or the children thereof are not native to this area either. Regardless of any reason, it is a faulty pretext.

Prior to this it was the Canadian Geese. One day a gander of this species was talking to a gander friend. He asked his friend if he had seen the goose he likes so much. His friend thought for a moment then said: “I wish I didn’t need say it but your goose is cooked.” 

If we are going to feed the hungry, goose meat is really poor quality nourishment.

Not long ago was a published article about the man we know by the English version name as Christopher Columbus having been Spanish and not Italian. I note that the name is different in the three mentioned languages.

What I learned long ago was that Mr. Columbus on the second attempt did succeed in getting the expedition from Spain which sailed in (English translation) The (feminine) Child, The Pint and The Holy Mary.

Perhaps Mr. Columbus could sing to the tune of “The Bear Went Over The Mountain”: “My father and mother Italian, my brothers and sisters Italian, my family is all Italian and I am Spanish too. And I am Spanish too. And I am Spanish too. My father and mother Italian, my brothers and sisters Italian, my family is all Italian (held) and I am Spanish too.

In the past there were those wanting to have the New World just for themselves (which they are still trying to do) and not accept immigrants from Southern Europe. But heh heh, ha ha, hee hee, Ho! Ho!, the New World continents are named after an Italian-Amerigo.

Occasionally one hears an Italian say “Everyone is Italian” though the context is different. I guess that all we Americans are Italian (Too) after all. I once visited a part of Europe and for a few days I was Italian, a few days French and a few days British. I guess I can be whomever I wish.

 For this i take note: there is a medical advertisement around promoting hypnotherapy to get a person to quite smoking. It says it is not really hypnosis. What a load of double-talk that is! Each of the above is a degree of possession. It is the control of the hypnotist that blots out the desire to smoke. If one downloads a web page on a computer that has cookies that remain after the web page is closed, that is similar to hypnotherapy.

It is truthfully said that a person only by the person’s power of will can eliminate an unwanted wish or desire now or in the future. 

Charles Samek


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