Reader’s Write: Temple wrong forum for Geller’s speech

The Island Now

Hurricane Geller came and went leaving some controversy and much damage behind her. 

Yes, she has the right to free speech. And as it happens, I am a supporter of her beliefs. Radical Islam is the biggest threat to American society. Muslims welcome death as martyrs. Contrarily, Jews and Christians choose life. Geller is right in what she writes and says about the terror of Islam. Muslims belong in Muslim lands, not in ours.

However, I disagree with the venue of her recent speech. Religious institutions are not the proper place for denouncing religions or creeds, no matter how true the statements may be. Nevertheless, churches and synagogues should not host them. Such speakers should address their audiences in public halls or auditoriums.

Dale Polakoff, the Senior Rabbi at Great Neck Synagogue, suffered much abuse from left-wingers and do-gooder liberals, including from the ex-Rabbi of the reform Temple Beth El, Jerry Davidson. Davidson supports leftist causes and is a known friend to the Muslim community in Nassau County. 

However, he should have remained silent rather than criticizing a senior colleague. As an ex-rabbi, Davidson should have remained ex. Geller made her remarks at the Chabad Center, signed copies of her book, and fled Great Neck as quickly as she arrived. Hopefully we will not have a repeat of Hurricane Pamela. We want to live here quietly without divisive controversy and ill-will among our neighbors.


Max Fried

Saddle Rock

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