The Island Now

The Island Now

6694 Articles

The Rise in Medical Marijuana Card Applications in the United States

Marijuana is obtained from the seeds, leaves, stems as well as flowers of cannabis sativa plant. It is used for

4 Min Read

Trustees stand by decision to name mayor’s brother-in-law village administrator

By Samuel Glasser Munsey Park village trustees  vigorously defended their decision to hire the mayor’s brother-in-law for the newly created

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Readers Write: Fate of Baxter House responsibility for all

As we all know, the Baxter House was the subject of a mysterious fire a little over a week ago.

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Readers Write: Some work for the people, some for themselves

I am beginning this article with some big thoughts and am using the term ‘The Universe’ to mean all that exists.

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Readers Write: Israeli leaders opposed to Palestinian state

I read Karen Rubin’s Dec. 30 explanation of why the US abstained from vetoing the UN resolution 2334 condemning the continued

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Readers Write: A great New Year’s resolution: help the needy

The holidays has come to a close and a New Year, 2017 has begun. In 2017 most of us are

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Readers Write: Release officers’ names in wrongful arrest

I am a resident of Valley Stream, a parent, and a teacher. I am also white, and I believe that black

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Readers Write: UN resolution hurts chances of peace in Israel

Karen Rubin (Dec. 30, 2016) says that the resolution in the Security Council that the Obama administration let be passed

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Readers Write: Assembly district owes thanks to Schimel

I wish to commend and add my voice to Eleanor and Chris Lange, Charlotte and David Sear on their inspiring letter

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Readers Write: Dems must oppose Trump at every turn

The days of wine and roses are gone and we are faced with a new reality. America must endure four

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Readers Write: Bible makes clear Israel’s right to Jerusalem

The world is over occupied with Jerusalem. The United Nations Security Council, addressing the Egyptian-proposed resolution 2334, which the Americans

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Readers Write: Public better served confronting bad ideas

Re “Trump, Soros and the news media” (Port Washington Times, Dec. 30): At the risk of giving further undeserved attention

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Readers Write: Globalism a threat to Western Civilization

I am writing this letter in response to the many letters of the past two weeks criticizing Mr. John O’Kelly. To

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Readers Write: Ills of globalism, Dem policies are real

I was made aware of a recent “hullabaloo” over a recent letter by one John O’Kelly by several people. This week,

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Town officials honor Mineola Memorial Library on 100th Anniversary

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena recently joined with Councilman Dennis Walsh and Town Clerk Ragini Srivastava to present Mineola

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