Hillside Public Library upcoming events

The Island Now

We will be using the Zoom meeting platform, which can be viewed on a PC, Mac, Smartphone or tablet (using the Zoom Cloud Meeting App). The Zoom login information will be emailed to you the day before the programs for which you registered.

Sketching and Watercolor with Jennifer! Monday, August 17 at 7 p.m. Imagine Your Story using sketching and watercolor to create a sky filled Hot Air Balloon painting. Supplies needed: Basic watercolor set; Basic paintbrush set; 2b pencil; An eraser; A set of water color paper (if water color paper is not available, try doing a few test swipes on normal sketchbook paper with a wet brush to test for warping and color bleeding. If the paper holds the color, you’re good to go!)


We will be using the Zoom meeting platform, which can be viewed on a PC, Mac, Smartphone or tablet (using the Zoom Cloud Meeting App). The Zoom login information will be emailed to you the day before the programs for which you registered.

Pajama Story Time- Friday, August 14 at 7 p.m. Mythical Adventures with Dragons & Unicorns. All Ages! Stories, music & fun. Wear your Pajamas!
Zumba Tuesday, August 4 at 5:15 p.m. Grades: 1 & Up. Dance your cares away with this fun, dance-based exercise!
STEMtastic- Bubbles Tuesday, August 18 at 4:30 p.m. Age/Grade: K-5 (younger grades are suggested to have parental assistance). This hands-on session will explore the magic of bubbles! Explore bubbly mysteries, such as why are bubbles always round? Build some spectacular bubble wands & perform some magic bubble tricks! Please go to the library’s website for materials needed.

Virtual Harry Potter Trivia Tuesday, August 18 at 7 p.m. Grades 5 – 12
Put on your Potter Thinking Caps and come to an evening of all Harry Potter Trivia! A Potter prize will be awarded to the winner!

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