Kremer’s Corner – The madness of Donald Trump

Jerry Kremer

It is hard to catalog all of the crazy things that President Donald Trump is doing these days.

In the space of 48 hours, he launched attacks on former President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, China, the U.S. Post Office, Jeff Bezos, and anyone in the media who asks him a tough question.

It is hard to rebut his craziness in any one column, but I have selected three of his targets for comment.

Every current poll shows that Barack Obama is still one of the most popular past presidents and his favorable numbers far exceed those of President Trump. He has broad public support and has deep affection from black voters.

It would seem that this president would be anxious to keep minority voter turnout to a minimum, but he is doing the opposite. I don’t know whom he is getting his advice from but he is definitely helping Vice President Biden’s election effort.

I am not an expert on China and the twists and turns of America’s relationship with that country. It seems that on Monday Mr. Trump is madly in love with President Xi and on Friday he is busy bashing China and its leaders.

According to former National Security adviser to President Obama, the president praised the Chinese leader 21 times between January and February. He has called President Xi “president for life” and has proclaimed his “respect and friendship with President Xi is unlimited.”

The revised message from mid-May right through Election Day is that China is populated by a “lot of bad people and President Xi presides over an evil empire.”

Back in December, Trump agreed to a new trade pact with China that supposedly helps American farmers sell soybeans and other farm products to China. Critics of the deal have pointed out that China is still able to steal the technology of any company that does business in their country.

At this very moment, the United States doesn’t have a plan for anything.

There is no written document on how we are going to deal with another fatal flare-up of the Covid-19 virus because all the president cares about is getting people back to work.

China, on the other hand has a 50-year plan on how to dominate the world and it is working. They own ports in 30 foreign countries and have established railroads that give them access to precious minerals in Africa.

President Trump threatens to stop funding for the World Health Organization and China offers billions to poor countries to help them cope with the pandemic. The president threatens our European neighbor’s financial systems and China sets up a zero-interest loan program for any country that needs cash and cannot afford traditional terms.

China is the new Trump election-year target and they in turn eat our lunch and dinner.

There are two things that are sacred to the American public and any elected official who tampers with Social Security and Medicare does so at their own risk. I am adding a third category. The United States Post Office.

The nation knows that the postal system is desperately in need of an overhaul, but neither political party is willing to reform it. In fact, Congress goes crazy when the Postal Service proposes to do away with Saturday delivery.

The madness of Trump’s attack on the postal system has to do with his dislike of Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos.

If Amazon stopped using the postal system, it would collapse overnight. However, the president is constantly threatening to privatize the system or just shut it down. He has also threatened to raise postal rates through the roof to get back at Bezos.

The U.S. Postal Service employs 500,000 people. Its employees earn $2 billion dollars. There are 141,900 collection boxes scattered around the country. The agency buys 579,000 tires each year as well as 750 million rubber bands. There are 2,733 self-service kiosks serving all 50 states. It handles 48 percent of the world’s mail volume.

Can you imagine this president or any other one, messing with the postal system?

The greatest fear of any elected public official is that the voters will reject them when their job comes up for renewal. Vice President Biden can stay in the Delaware basement until Election Day and win hands down if President Trump keeps on his current path.

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