5 Best Sites To Buy 100k Instagram Followers (Real & Active)

Juhi Dutta  - Content Editor At The Island Now
Buy 100k Instagram Followers

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in today’s generation. People can find an ample amount of opportunities to not only grow themselves but also establish a brand on the platform.


But there is a lot of competition on this social media platform, and to get past that, you can buy 100K Instagram followers online. While such Instagram services seem unconventional from traditional methods, they can provide the initial boost you seek to grab your audience’s attention.


While multiple sites offer 100K Instagram followers, we selected only the best among 20 websites. We narrowed down on a couple of factors like trust, reliability, delivery speed, and quality when we analyzed these websites.


Here are the best sites to buy 100K Instagram followers in 2023.

Our Top 5 Sites To Buy 100K Instagram Followers

Overall Best Site To Buy 100k Instagram Followers, Editor’s Choice


Best Site To Buy Instagram 100k Count Followers


Best Site To Buy 100K Instagram Followers Online


Most Recommended Site To Buy Instagram Followers Online


Popular Site To Buy Followers For Instagram Account


Our In-Depth Review Of The Top Sites To Buy 100K Instagram Followers

Overall Best Sites To Buy instagram 100k followers, Editor’s Choice

Social Zinger is the best site to buy 100k Instagram followers. They provide real and authentic Instagram accounts to follow, engage, and promote your content, bringing credibility and a positive image to your Instagram account.


The site is known for its fast delivery and competitive pricing, which can help you purchase Instagram followers without spending more than you need to. All of their packages cater to different budget requirements and needs.


Moreover, if you want to grow your account and build a brand on Instagram, their services focus on providing targeted users that can bring the amount and quality of interactions you have been looking for.


  • High-quality services: Social Zinger offers genuine and active followers, views, and subscribers from real users.
  • Flexible plans: Social Zinger provides flexible plans tailored to various budgets and business sizes.
  • Fast results: Social Zinger delivers results quickly and efficiently so users can see their social media growth accelerate.


100K Instagram Followers: $99.99

Best Site To Buy Instagram 100k Count Followers

Media Mister is one of the best sites for purchasing 100,000 Instagram followers. This social media growth helps to boost your Instagram presence online.


You can depend on this brand to help you provide real and active followers on Instagram. This helps make your Instagram account visible to a massive audience. By providing prompt delivery and cost-effective services, this social media brand allows people to grow Instagram likes automatically and followers organically.


You can depend on Media Mister for various services, including Instagram services. You can also select particular regions to target, which helps you create a genuine presence on Instagram.


  • Global reach: Media Mister services over 30 social media platforms, reaching billions of users worldwide.
  • Secure delivery: Media Mister uses secure methods to deliver followers, views, and subscribers, protecting your privacy.
  • 24/7 customer support: Media Mister provides 24/7 customer support to help you with any questions or concerns.


100K Instagram Followers: $1479

Best Site To Buy 100K Instagram Followers Online

Get A Follower is a leading website offering multi-social media platform support for people looking to grow their Instagram account or any other platform. Buying 100k Instagram followers from this site can guarantee growth and organic following in minutes upon purchase.


By increasing your popularity with comments on Instagram or with a following, you can attract more followers, brand deals, sponsorships, and more. Opportunities for making money and promoting your content can be possible if you buy 100k followers on Instagram.


You can avail of any of their Instagram services and expect rapid growth of your Instagram account. It is the best site to buy a few hundred followers online.


  • Instant delivery: Get A Follower delivers followers, views, and subscribers instantly so that you can see results immediately.
  • High-quality followers: Get A Follower delivers real and active followers who will likely engage with your content.
  • 24/7 customer support: Get A Follower provides 24/7 customer support to help you with questions or concerns.


100K Instagram Followers: $1479

Most Recommended Site To Buy Instagram Followers Online

Buy Real Media is a good site to buy Instagram followers. This social media marketing site allows users to grow their social media presence by gaining more Instagram followers. They allow real Instagram users to interact with your content, which helps people gain IG followers.


These active users keep your content visible on the platform for longer by engaging through Instagram likes and shares, resulting in an engaged audience. This kind of Instagram engagement is very important for the Instagram algorithm as it suggests your account to multiple pages for more visibility.


If you create high-quality content and want to enhance your online presence, this site is the best choice to buy new followers for genuine engagement.


  • Secure and confidential: Buy Real Media prioritizes customer privacy and employs secure methods to deliver followers.
  • Quick and reliable service: Buy Real Media delivers followers promptly and consistently, ensuring your social media accounts receive the necessary exposure.
  • Diverse followers packages: Buy Real Media offers various packages, allowing you to select the number of followers that suits your needs and goals.


100K Instagram Followers: $1479

Popular Site To Buy Followers For Instagram Account

Social Viral offers the option to buy 100k Instagram followers in minutes. The site’s user interface is easy to navigate to buy real Instagram followers, which makes your account more visible. This can help you collaborate with big Instagram influencers by purchasing Instagram followers.


Social media influencers look for high follower count accounts to feature on their Instagram feed. Buying 100k Instagram followers can quickly generate a large following and more organic growth.


You can later buy Instagram ads to feature yourself worldwide to slowly build a loyal audience and sustain your Instagram growth for longer.


  • Targeted audience: Social Viral allows you to target your social media campaigns to specific demographics and interests.
  • Guaranteed results: Social Viral offers a money-back guarantee on all of its services, so you can be confident that you will get results.
  • Flexible plans: Social Viral offers flexible plans that can be adjusted as needed so you can grow your social media presence at your own pace.

Should I Buy 100K Instagram Followers?

Yes, if you’re seeking to boost your follower count on Instagram rapidly and want to do something other than organic growth, purchasing 100k followers can be a viable option. However, choosing a reputable service like Social Zinger is crucial for authentic and active Instagram followers. These real followers can help enhance your brand’s reputation and maintain meaningful interactions.

How Much Money Can You Make Using Instagram?

Instagram influencers have various avenues to make money, leveraging the platform’s vast user base for sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and collaborations. The income potential depends on niche, follower count, engagement rate, and reach. Here’s a breakdown of how influencers in different fields are capitalizing on Instagram:

Entrepreneurs like Danielle Bernstein of WeWoreWhat utilize Instagram to expand their businesses, connect with potential customers, and build brands. While sponsored posts and partnerships contribute to their earnings, entrepreneurship on Instagram is a long-term endeavor that requires dedication and effort.

Posting fashion content, influencers with over 100,000 followers can earn between $500 and $10,000 per post. The fashion industry values influencers for their large, engaged followings, and influencers should consider promoting ethical and sustainable fashion to align with growing consumer consciousness.

Instagram book reviewers, with over 100,000 followers, can make $500 to $5,000 per post. Their impact on book sales and exposure is significant, making them valuable to established and new authors. Advocating for ethical and sustainable practices in the book industry can enhance their reputation.

Doctors and healthcare workers use Instagram to share expertise and health recommendations. Sponsored posts and collaborations can generate income, with some influencers earning $1,000 per sponsored post. However, ethical considerations and compliance with advertising restrictions in the medical industry are crucial.

Instagram chefs, known for sharing recipes and cooking expertise, can earn $250–$1,000 for sponsored posts. Many chefs leverage Instagram to promote businesses, launch restaurants, publish cookbooks, and offer cooking classes.

While not the primary channel for B2B marketing, some organizations use Instagram to enhance brand awareness and engage potential clients. Influencer marketing in the B2B sector may generate fewer earnings than other industries, but it can still play a role in building connections.

Artists showcase their work on Instagram, building brands and earning through sponsored posts and direct sales. Elite Instagram artists may make substantial amounts, up to $25,000, for a sponsored post, depending on their influence and engagement.

Why Are Quality Instagram Followers Important?

Gaining popularity has become a crucial part of anybody’s social media journey. However, the true measure of success on platforms like Instagram lies in the quantity and quality of followers. 


Genuine Instagram followers play an important role by actively engaging with your content, sharing it within their networks, and potentially evolving into customers for your brand.


Understanding the significance of authentic Instagram followers and adopting strategies to attract them is crucial in the current social media environment. Here are several key points to consider:

Social media engagement is the cornerstone of user-audience interaction. Quality followers are instrumental in driving meaningful engagement with your content. Their active involvement, sharing, discussions, and reactions contribute significantly to a robust social presence, brand loyalty, and extended reach. The level of engagement is a critical metric that social media platforms use to evaluate the value of user content.


It’s important to note that engagement depends not solely on the number of followers but also their quality. A smaller following of high-quality followers can often yield more attention than a larger following of low-quality ones. Therefore, cultivating a devoted and engaged following takes precedence over sheer numbers.

Authenticity is a key element in building a quality online following. Being true to oneself and transparent with the audience fosters trust and credibility. Genuine followers value authenticity over the allure of fake followers. Authenticity establishes a foundation for long-term commitment and engagement.


Authentic content, rooted in personal and honest expressions, resonates more with followers. Such content is more likely to be shared, enhancing reach and attracting quality followers. Prioritizing authenticity strengthens your relationship with existing followers and lays the groundwork for building a dedicated and appreciative audience.

Social media networks use algorithms to curate content based on user interests, interactions, and other variables. Quality followers play a crucial role in influencing these algorithms. Their propensity to engage with content enhances its visibility, signaling algorithms about its relevance and worthiness.


The size and engagement level of a quality following can significantly impact algorithm performance. A substantial following with active engagement holds more sway over algorithms than a larger but less engaged following. Hence, having a committed and engaged following enhances algorithm performance, increasing visibility and reach for your social media accounts.

While rapid growth in social media followers may seem enticing, the quality of the following is as vital as the quantity. A high number of unengaged followers adds little value to your business. Shortcuts like buying followers or using bots for quick growth are unsustainable and can harm your reputation.


Instead, create high-quality, personalized content tailored to your target audience. Building genuine connections with your followers and cultivating a loyal fanbase ensures long-term success, outweighing the allure of fast but shallow follower growth.

Social proof, derived from the number of followers, can significantly influence people’s decisions. It lends credibility and reliability to businesses and individuals on social media. The perception that others follow and engage with your content can prompt more people to do the same.


However, the effectiveness of social proof hinges on the quality and engagement level of your followers. A large following must have more interest and interaction to benefit your brand. Instead, concentrate on forging meaningful relationships with your audience and delivering compelling content.


Social proof can be a potent tool for building trust and credibility, but its impact is maximized based on a high-quality, engaged following. Establishing a loyal fanbase through genuine relationships and compelling content enhances your brand and serves as effective social proof to attract new followers.

Followers Vs. Engagement - What Matters More on Instagram?

On Instagram, the balance between followers and engagement holds significant importance. Followers represent your audience’s size and your content’s potential reach. A substantial follower count can enhance your account’s credibility, attracting brands and businesses for possible collaborations.


However, it’s crucial to note that having a high number of followers alone may not guarantee success. Engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves, are important in evaluating your account’s performance.


The level of engagement your audience exhibits with your content is a key determinant of your Instagram success. High engagement increases your content’s visibility and fosters brand loyalty, trust, and the effectiveness of sponsored content.

Understanding the Average Engagement Rate Across Different Industries

To make informed decisions on Instagram, it’s essential to consider the demographics of the platform’s user base. Instagram primarily appeals to young adults, with a significant presence in the 18-34 age group. Here’s a breakdown of Instagram’s user demographics:


  • Ages 13-17: Comprise only 8% of Instagram’s user population, with a minimal presence
  • Ages 18-24: Account for 30.8% of Instagram users
  • Ages 25-34: Constitute 30.3% of the user base
  • Ages 45-54: Represent the smallest age group, making up 8.4% of users
  • Ages 55-64: Account for 4.3% of users on the platform
  • Ages 65 and above: Constitute 2.6% of Instagram’s user base

These demographic insights are invaluable for businesses and influencers targeting specific audiences effectively on Instagram. Understanding the age distribution can help tailor content and engagement strategies to reach the desired demographic.


In summary, while followers provide a foundational audience, engagement drives a successful Instagram presence. Balancing both aspects and considering the platform’s demographics can lead to a thriving Instagram strategy.

The Importance of Regular Fresh Content to Engage New Followers

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of Instagram, regularly producing fresh content is crucial for engaging new followers, building a thriving online community, and if you wish to get verified on Instagram. Here, we delve into the significance of consistently delivering new posts and the benefits it brings to your Instagram profile.

One of the primary reasons for maintaining a regular content schedule is to capture the attention of potential followers who stumble upon your profile.

When visitors discover your account and find it consistently updated with fresh and interesting posts, they are more likely to hit that coveted follow button. By providing a steady stream of engaging content, you create a compelling reason for users to become long-term followers.

Posting fresh content on a consistent basis demonstrates that your account is active and engaged. It showcases your commitment to providing valuable content and maintaining a strong presence on the platform.

New followers are more inclined to follow accounts that actively participate in the Instagram community. By consistently delivering new posts, you convey your relevance and dedication to engaging with your audience.

Consistently sharing fresh content cultivates a sense of anticipation among your followers. When you establish a regular posting schedule, your audience begins to expect new content from you.

This anticipation creates excitement and encourages followers to regularly visit your profile to see what’s new. By meeting their expectations and delivering quality posts consistently, you can keep followers engaged and increase the chances of attracting new ones.

Regularly producing fresh content provides an opportunity to showcase your expertise and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. By consistently delivering valuable and informative posts, you build trust and credibility among your followers.

New followers are more likely to engage with your content, share it, and recommend your account to others when they perceive you as a reliable source of information. Consistency in providing fresh content helps solidify your position as an expert in your field.

Instagram’s algorithm favors accounts that consistently produce new content. When you post regularly, your content is more likely to be prioritized in users’ feeds and discovered in the explore section.

This increased visibility exposes your account to a broader audience, leading to a higher chance of attracting new followers. The algorithm rewards accounts that actively participate in the platform, making regular fresh content an essential component of growth and engagement.

Consistent posting of fresh content helps you build and maintain a cohesive brand identity. By sticking to a consistent style, theme, or tone in your posts, you create a recognizable and memorable presence on Instagram.

This allows new followers to quickly understand your brand, its values, and what they can expect from your content. A cohesive brand identity fosters a sense of familiarity and trust, which can lead to higher follower retention and engagement.

Regularly providing fresh content invites user interaction and feedback. Followers are more likely to engage with your posts through instagram comments, likes and shares when they see that you consistently offer new content.

This interaction not only strengthens your relationship with existing followers but also attracts the attention of potential followers who observe the lively community surrounding your account. 

To effectively engage new followers through fresh content, it is crucial to strike a balance between quantity and quality. While maintaining a consistent posting schedule is important, it is equally essential to prioritize the relevance and value of each post. Strive to provide variety, authenticity, and value to your audience with each new piece of content.

Tips To Boost Instagram Followers and Engagement

While you can have strategies and tricks to promote yourself on Instagram, we have done in-depth research to develop the best tips you can follow to grow your Instagram followers easily.


Here are a few tips you can follow:

Incorporate clear CTAs in your posts to guide your followers’ actions. Encourage them to like, comment, share, or tag others in your posts. CTAs help generate higher engagement rates and increase the chances of your content being shared among a wider audience.

Leverage Instagram Stories to create interactive and behind-the-scenes content. Use features like polls, quizzes, and questions to actively engage with your audience. Incorporate interactive elements to encourage followers to participate and share their experiences, opinions, and thoughts.

Partnering with influencers or brands in your niche can expand your reach and attract new organic followers. Collaborations introduce your account to a wider audience and enhance your credibility. Choose collaborations that align with your brand values and target audience to ensure maximum impact.

Take the time to engage with your target audience beyond your own content. Explore relevant hashtags and engage with posts and accounts that align with your brand. Leave meaningful comments, like posts, and follow accounts that genuinely interest you. This engagement can spark curiosity and attract organic followers to your account.

Research and use hashtags that are popular within your niche and resonate with your target audience. Hashtags increase the discoverability of your content and enable users interested in similar topics to find your account. Use a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags to maximize your reach.

Leverage your presence on other social media sites and platforms, your website, or your blog to promote your Instagram account. Encourage your existing audience to follow you on Instagram, showcasing the value they will gain from being part of your Instagram community. Cross-promotion can lead to a natural influx of organic followers.

Regularly analyze your Instagram Insights to gain insights into your audience’s behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. Identify the types of content that perform well and tailor your future content accordingly. Continuously optimize your strategy based on the data to maximize engagement and organic growth.

Building relationships with your followers is crucial for long-term organic growth. Show genuine appreciation for their support, respond to their messages, and engage with their content. By fostering a sense of community and loyalty, your followers are more likely to become brand advocates and help attract new organic followers.

Remember, while bought followers can provide an initial boost, it is the quality of your content, engagement efforts, and overall strategy that will drive sustainable organic growth.

By leveraging the initial boost from purchased followers and implementing these strategies, you can enhance engagement, attract organic followers, and foster a thriving and loyal Instagram community.

FAQs On 100k Instagram Followers

It depends on the website you choose. Opt for reputable social media growth websites that provide real and authentic Instagram followers, as they prioritize the safety of your social media account.

Buying active followers by itself is not explicitly against Instagram’s terms of service. However, using fake followers or bot followers can lead to account penalties. Stick to genuine followers for a safer approach.

Delivery time varies depending on the website. Though typically, it can take from a couple of hours to days worth of time. Some deliver followers instantly, while others may take a few days. Check the social media growth company’s website or contact their customer support for specific details of instant delivery.

No, whether you purchased additional followers is generally not evident to your existing followers. However, sudden spikes in follower count without corresponding engagement might raise suspicions.

Purchased followers can temporarily boost visibility and social proof, attracting more organic followers. However, long-term organic growth depends on consistently producing valuable content and engaging with your audience.

Look for websites with positive reviews, a good reputation, and a commitment to providing genuine followers. Consider factors such as customer support, pricing, targeting options, and transparency in their services.

The cost of purchasing 100,000 Instagram followers varies across different platforms. For detailed information on the pricing of 100k follower packages, you can explore the websites mentioned above.

Yes, making your account public requires receiving the followers you’ve purchased. If you switch to a public setting, you will only receive your purchase’s likes, followers, or comments.

Final Thoughts: How to get 100k followers on Instagram?

Buying 100k Instagram followers can be a strategic move to enhance your online presence and boost engagement on the platform. However, choosing reliable and reputable providers like Social Zinger and Media Mister is crucial. 


These platforms have established themselves as leaders in the industry, offering genuine and active followers who can contribute to your organic growth.


With their quality services and positive customer reviews, Social Zinger and Media Mister are excellent options for those seeking to buy Instagram followers. By using their expertise, you can effectively enhance your Instagram following and establish a strong online presence.

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