The Dolphin Bookshop & Cafe will host three local authors at a special book-signing event on Saturday, April 22 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Lilly Cadoch will be appearing and signing copies of “Busy Mom’s Cheat Sheet: Raising Happy Healthy Kids,” a book that makes it easy to understand how to feed children’s bodies, minds and spirits for ultimate health and happiness.
Most busy mom have the desire to feed their kids healthy food, but don’t know where to begin.
And they often struggle to help their children find balance in their busy lifestyles.
These same moms also want their kids to have all of the necessary tools to reach their full potential.
With “Busy Mom’s Cheat Sheet,” mothers will learn how to teach their children to make healthier food choices, including 18 tips for foods to avoid, establish a battle-free and enriching bedtime routine, integrate regular exercise into their weekly schedules, incorporate time-management skills to allow more free time, and reprogram their minds for success to handle life’s inevitable challenges.
The book also includes 45 bonus recipes that are quick, easy and delicious.
Jacob Appel will also be at Dolphin Bookshop that day, signing his novel, “The Mask of Sanity.”
On the outside, Dr. Jeremy Balint is a pillar of the community: the youngest division chief at his hospital, a model son to his elderly parents, and a fiercely devoted husband and father of two young daughters.
But on the inside, Balint is a high-functioning sociopath — a man who truly believes himself to stand above the ethical norms of society.
As long as life treats him well, Balint has no cause to harm others.
But when life treats him poorly, he reveals the depths of his cold-blooded depravity.
At a cultural moment when the media bombards us with images of so-called “sociopaths” who strive for good and criminals redeemed by repentance, “The Mask of Sanity” offers a timely antidote to implausible tales of “evil gone right.”
In contrast to fictional predecessors like Dostoyevsky’s Raskolnikov and Camus’s Mersault, Dr. Balint is a man who already “has it all” — and will do everything in his power, no matter how immoral, to keep what he has.
The third featured guest will be fitness expert Andrew Ginsburg, who presents a workout and diet program to help people lose weight, build muscle, and sculpt a unique body in “Pumping Irony: How to Build Muscle, Lose Weight, and Have the Last Laugh.”
Ginsburg’s fitness philosophy is to treat each physique as an art project, except the body is the canvas, the weights are the paintbrush, and the food is the paint.
In addition to presenting a diet and exercise regime, the book offers unique insights into finding the right trainer, advice on how to sniff out fake trainers, tips on gym etiquette, and details on how to find the right gym attire.
The book also covers the mental side of fitness to keep people motivated to reach their fitness goals.
There’s something for everyone with these three diverse authors and topics that will be the focus of the afternoon at Dolphin Bookshop.
The store is located at 299 Main St. in Port Washington.
For more information, call 516-767-2650 or go to