Have you ever thought about why house rendering is very important? There are various benefits associated with house rendering. For example, it improves the property’s overall value and provides insulation from heat and cold. Moreover, it also prevents the penetration of moisture inside the wall which can weaken it.
With these benefits in mind, you will want to know the house rendering cost in 2022. If you live in the UK, you will notice sand and cement house rendering, especially when it comes to applying it to the property’s exterior walls.
You need to know the average house rendering cost to reap all its benefits. Remember that there is no one size fits all approach to estimating the cost of house rendering. However, if you live in the UK, you will have to pay around £20 to £45 per m2.
Another important concern in this regard is time. So if you want to render your home, you will need to know how long it will take. An average three-bedroom house requires one week to finish house rendering; it includes only the exterior walls and you will have to pay around £5000.
Various factors affect the cost of house rendering. For example, size, location, condition of the walls, and the quality of rendering services. Moreover, it is also up to you to proceed with the fixed-priced project or decide on the hourly rate. In most cases, the house rendering experts charge £40 per m2. If you want to get in touch with the most professional yet affordable house rendering experts, you need to reach out to the ones available at Bark.
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What Is Exterior Rendering?
Before you proceed, you need to know that exterior render includes the utilization of cement and sand. This special mixture is applied to the walls’ exterior portion, making them more accurate, visibly attractive, and strong. Nowadays, exterior renders are available in a variety of qualities and types. Based on these types, there are three major exterior renders available in the UK.
- Silicon render is the most expensive and high-quality rendering technique that is 100% safe and breathable. However, it can only be applied during hot weather conditions as it requires a lot of warmth for proper cures.
- Another render is the mineral render which is less expensive compared to silicon. The reason behind its low price is that it is partially breathable.
- The cheapest render is the acrylic render which is the least breathable and is extremely inexpensive.
These renders play a vital role in making the house more beautiful and hiding the old and visually irritating brickwork.
How Much Does Rendering a House Cost?
We have come up with some estimates that will give you an idea about rendering costs below. However, this is not a hard and fast rule that you will have to pay according to these estimated costs. If you live in the UK, you will see that the amount varies from place to place, and each professional charges differently. These are just to provide you with an idea of the approximate costs.
2-bedroom bungalow | £2500 to £3500 |
3-bedroom terraced house | £3000 to £5500 |
4-bedroom semi-detached house | £4000 to £6500 |
5-bedroom detached house | £6500 minimum |
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2 Bedroom Bungalow
The process of rendering such property will require only up to 6 days. The rendering of this kind of attribute is perhaps the simplest. And this is the least expensive pricing for home rendering. Here you have to deal with only one floor. However, the process will take some time because the professional tradesman will have to wait for the dryness of one wall before he can start applying the render to the other.
Creating a key for the render
When you apply to render the painted wall, you should try to remove as much paint as possible because there is another old layer of render behind the paint. What you have to do is to remove the paint and try to apply the new render. In this way, the wall will get the maximum strength. On the other hand, if you apply to render for the first time, you should apply two coats of PVA.
As you know, the render does not have any attractive colour. So you always have the option to use different emulsions or paints to give more appeal to your house. The colour also provides uniformity and consistency that looks stunning. Make sure to pick a colour that you love and won’t want to change after a short while.
You will have to pay around £2500 to £3500 for such a small 2-bedroom Bungalow. However, the price and time can be considerably longer if you want to proceed with more decorative styling and painting. In this case, you might have to pay an extra £1000.
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3-bedroom terraced house
As we are focusing only on the exterior rendering, this type of house requires only front and rear rendering. The process does not take more than a week and you will have to pay approximately £5000.
However, make sure to hire two people for this as it will speed up the process. The benefit of hiring two people is that the person who applies the render can continue to work without worrying about the delivery of the material.
4-bedroom semi-detached house
Such houses usually have two floors and additional garages, porches and terraces. However, there is practically and technically no link between the rendering of the upper and the lower storey. You can choose to render one after the other depending on your affordability. It will also take £5000 to complete both floors if you hire two people.
5-bedroom detached house
The rendering of this type of house is comparatively an expensive process because of scaffolding requirements. Scaffolding is mandatory to get access to the upper storeys. So the average cost of rendering this type of house will take at least £6500 in the UK. Moreover, the time requirements are also greater. For example, you will have to wait around 14 to 15 days to complete the whole process. In addition, you should take note of the weather conditions. You should not proceed with rendering during heavy rain or very hot weather conditions.
Garden walls
If you are not interested in rendering the whole house but only want to add it to your garden wall and make it more secure, you can simply ask the professional. He will estimate the costs and guide you about whether or not you need scaffolding. Scaffolding is mandatory when you have very high walls. To give you an idea, the average cost estimates are £30 to £40 per metre square. If you’re looking for other services like tree surgeons, you can find them on Bark.
Rendering Front of House
If you are on a tight budget, you will only want to know the cost of rendering the front of the house. In most cases, you will have to deal with only one elevation. However, the scaffolding is also mandatory and you must hire a team of two people. Usually, the front elevation is not more than 100 square metres. So the process can take about one week. If you want to know the cost, you should be ready to spend at least £3000. Roughly, it can take £1500 to £4000 based on the area of the front elevation.
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Rendering Cost Factors
Here are the most important factors you should consider that affect the rendering process and its costs.
- Render Finishes
The smooth render comes with different texture finishes. Moreover, another finish, pebble dash, is also common in the UK. It costs anywhere around £30 per metre square. You can also proceed with decorations and pebble dashing to create unique effects. It is basically a process in which different stones are utilized to give a shiny and pleasing visual effect.
- Scaffolding
If your property is quite large with considerably great height and you want to render the whole elevation of your house, you need to proceed with this process. Sometimes scaffold towers are also constructed. You can contact local professionals to get more information.
- Personnel
You need to hire two people so that they can work in the form of a team. One person serves as a labourer who mixes the material and delivers it while the other person who has to apply the render continues with the process. This will ensure that the entire process is completed in good time.
- Cement mixer and wheelbarrow
Rendering experts have special equipment – a cement mixer and a wheelbarrow. They both have their role in completing the rendering process. The wheelbarrow is used to deliver the mixture and the cement mixer helps mix the cement. As the consistency of the render is super important, both instruments must be used.
- Weather & time of year
We have already discussed that rainy or hot weather is not suitable.
- Too much sunshine can be very dangerous for rendering as it can immediately evaporate the moisture and water content. It results in the appearance of cracks. If the rendering process is carried out in very hot weather conditions, there are strong chances that the render will not stick to the wall.
- Similarly, intensely cold water conditions are also dangerous because the rendering process requires the presence of liquid. Water freezes when the temperature reaches 0 degrees centigrade. As a result, water starts to expand and the crystals form inside the render, which results in the cracking of the whole structure.
You should not proceed with the rendering process during the summer or winter season, especially when the temperature fluctuations are at their peak.
- Size of company
When you proceed with the individual professionals and self-employed tradespeople, you can hire them at considerably low rates. On the other hand, a certified company has access to more equipment, workshops & office staff, but they also charge more. They might also have more experience but you can also ask about this before you hire them.
- Location
It is a no-brainer that labour charges vary from place to place. If you are in London or Southeastern England, you will have to pay considerably more because they are expensive areas of the UK. According to the rough estimates, you have to pay 20% more. On the other hand, areas like Wales have relatively low labour charges.
There is no hard and fast rule about the inclusion of the VAT in the quotations. So whenever you get quotes from a particular company, it is important to ask whether or not they include VAT.
- Additional hire costs
Waste skips are very important because they will help you to remove the garbage and the old rubble of the previous rendering process. Remember that the presence of these waste skips ensures that the cement washings will not be drained on the road or anywhere else where they may cause hindrance. Similarly, the construction workers also require food, drink and other hand washing facilities and toilets. So you should also consider these costs.
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Hiring A Rendering Contractor: Checklist
Finding the most appropriate, qualified and affordable rendering contractor is not an easy task. However, you can directly contact the most expert rendering contractors at Bark.
Here are a few things that you must discuss with the contractors before hiring them.
- You should discuss all the aspects of the costs, what it covers and whether or not they cover VAT.
- Inquire about the company’s reputation, the previous happy clients, how long the company has traded, and how they will carry out similar jobs like yours.
- Check if they are insured. They should have both personal accident insurance and employers’ liability insurance.
What is the process of rendering a house?
It is very hard to proceed with rendering the house on your own. The process requires a lot of experience, and even if you can do it at your home, you will not be able to get a good finish. So even if you know the process of rendering the house, you should always take the services of the professionals.
- The type of finish
Before initiating the rendering process, it is important to know the level of finish you want. Some finishes require a lot of expertise while the others are only simple. Note that sometimes one professional may be an expert in one type of finish creation while the other specialist can provide you with other types of finishes. So always discuss this aspect with your tradesman.
- Prepare the walls
Before rendering, have a certified bricklayer inspect your walls and make any required repairs. The rendered surface can only be as strong as the supporting wall. This is the time to look for cracks and fill in or redo what you can.
- Prepare external details
Preparation of the external details is a common process because everyone wants to check out downpipes, windowsills, and other ventilators. However, the most neglected yet most important thing in this regard is fixing the beads around the windows and door openings. This way, these locations’ rendering can be carried out perfectly.
- Insulation
Before you proceed with the rendering process, it is important to make the best use of insulation boards. They help protect your wall from becoming overly damp or dry.
- Render mesh
To adjust the insulation boards, you will need a render mesh that will help fix these boards from everywhere. It also prevents the formation of cracks on your wall that may occur due to dryness.
- Render base coat
If you do not know what method is necessary to apply the base coat, you should ask the professionals. They will carefully analyse the underlying wall surface and guide the base coat rendering process.
- Render finishing coat
There are two types of finishing coats available, natural and synthetic. The natural ones come with fewer colour options and diversity, while the synthetic ones have more colour options. Moreover, proceeding with the natural ones requires you to use the paint. However, it is up to you to use natural or synthetic colours. The results should suit well the type of finish you want.
- Replace details
You know that you have already removed a lot of different things such as down pipes, soil pipes and other important stuff to proceed with the rendering process. Now it is time to replace all that stuff you removed.
You might wonder how long it will take to complete the process here. Usually, the process of rendering an average house takes around a month.
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Benefits of Rendering
Before spending money on the rendering process and initiating the procedure practically, everyone wants to know what benefits they are likely to get and how it will improve their standard of living. Remember that not every house requires a rendering process. Sometimes the waterproof paint is more than enough. However, we recommend you proceed with the waterproof render, especially if you are facing brickwork erosion.
- Weather resistance
Extreme weather conditions are a problem for many houses with brickwork. Rendering is an all-in-one solution because it increases water resistance and requires less maintenance. Remember that there are pores in the bricks that absorb moisture. This moisture can damage the whole brickwork during the intense cold weather conditions when water freezes and converts into ice crystals. Applying the render to the brickwork serves as a strong insulating material that prevents water entry.
- Damp and mould prevention
There are stronger chances of accumulation of fungi, dampness and mould in the brick houses. The problem gets worse if you live in a humid area. Before you face any structural issues with your house or any other damage to the furnishings and other issues, the most appropriate solution is to have a coat of render on your brick walls. You will see a considerable improvement in the overall living quality. It will serve as a treatment for reducing mould, fungi and other problems.
- Insulation
Cavity wall insulation is a modern solution to maintain the house’s insulation. However, it is only possible for modern houses to proceed with this option. What you can do in your old house is to apply the coat of render so that it will help you to get thermal insulation. Nowadays, specialised thermal insulation render is also available. They are inexpensive and cost-effective and keep your brickwork intact. Suppose you don’t want an insulation render (it is very expensive after all). In that case, you might use acrylic and polymer renders instead of cement or lime renders since they have a greater insulating value.
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Types of Render Finishes
Nowadays specialised finishes are also available. Here we will guide you about some specialist external render finishes that will add a layer of decoration to your render.
- Roughcast Render
It is most commonly used in Northern England and Scotland. Such render is made using the process in which gravel and mortar are used to maintain the pebbles. It is completely different from the smooth render and gives a rough appearance. Despite a rough appearance, this type of render is highly in demand because it can perfectly prevent moisture from entering the porous brickwork.
- Polymer Render
Polymers are long-chain plastic molecules. When a render utilizes different coloured polymers, it is known as the polymer render. Such renders are highly waterproof and cost anywhere around £30/m2.
- Acrylic Render
Just the finishing operations application on the pinnacle of pre-existing render or a fresh base coat is applied with acrylic rendering. Use it to seal surfaces and lessen the frequency of swabbing. Rendering using acrylic starts at about £30/m2.
- Monocouche
You can proceed with the monocoque if you are looking for a very fast and quick rendering process. It will require you to apply only a coat to complete the rendering process. You will not need a base coat with it as it is itself a polymer base render. However, it is not suitable for all types of brickwork and you can only apply it to concrete blocks. It costs £35/m2 or above in the UK.
- K Rend
When there is a lot of incorporation of additives and aggregates into the renders, it is known as K rend. Basically, it is a very special rendering product that requires a lot of experience. You should only hire expert installers due to the sensitivity of the process. Only the expert installers who have taken a lot of training on applying this type of render material can proceed with this type of rendering.
- Corksol
Corksol is not an actual rendering process. Instead, you can use it as an alternative to a render. It is similar to render as it is equally insulating, waterproof and breathable. You can confidently proceed with it as it is equally effective and useful.
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Painting Rendered Walls
You can not immediately proceed with the rendering process because you have to wait for the complete drying out of the render. So, if you plan to paint the walls right after the rendering, it might not be possible. However, the dryness of the render walls depends on various factors, including air and humidity.
Planning Permission & Building Regulation
Planning permission for rendering the property is important under the building regulations. Part A covers the structure, ensuring the stability of the whole structure of the buildings is retained. Part B covers fire safety and ensures the building is fireproof. Similarly, Part D, Part E, and Part L deal with the toxicity of the substances, sound blockage and conservation of fuel and power, respectively.
FAQs About House Rendering
- Can the rendering process help in the case of the moisture removal from the brickwork?
If your brickwork is dry, the rendering process will help to prevent your house from getting damp. However, if rendering has become a big problem, you will have to proceed with the new damp proof or ending process.
- What is the best render for a house?
There is no one size fits all strategy when it comes to choosing the best render for a house. It depends on your particular situation, budget, house type, and what you want to achieve. Look over the choices listed above and chose what you think will be best for you.
- Is it beneficial to proceed with the render even if you have a brick?
Brick requires extra labour and costs so much to purchase. Paint, however, is more vulnerable to the influence of the environment and, within a few seasons, develops streaks and splits. Brick, however, collapses and lets moisture in if exposed to persistent extreme storms and ice. So, rendering your house is a great choice.
Find Local Renders
At Bark, rendering experts are available to provide exclusive services 24/7. They are able to answer any questions you might have on house rendering and give your house the right finish. You can immediately reach out to them if you want to prevent the penetration of the damp.
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