How To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test: Step By Step Guide Of 2024

Deepanshu Bedi

The hair follicle drug testing method is one of the most popular methods. Its accuracy and longer detection window compared to other drug tests have made it a highly preferred method among employers and others. If you’re wondering how to pass a hair follicle drug test, you’re in the right place. 


While many turn to ineffective methods, detox shampoo can help you pass the test immensely. These shampoos are specifically designed to pass drug screenings. They are formulated to penetrate the hair follicles and mask any traces of drugs. 


This article is for you if you have an upcoming hair follicle drug test. We have discussed all the methods to help you pass a hair follicle drug test.  


So, let’s begin! 

What Is Hair Follicle Drug Screening?

The hair follicle drug test, also known as the hair strand drug test, relies on hair samples rather than the follicles themselves. This is because the top part of the hair contains a higher concentration of THC metabolites, carrying the toxins as it grows.

When facing the test, the tester will carefully select hairs, opting for dense areas if the crown hair is scarce or collecting samples from body areas for bald individuals. The presence of toxins remains consistent throughout all the hairs in your body.

Despite various methods and hacks that may seem promising, it’s essential to debunk some myths surrounding the hair follicle drug test. These tests are highly accurate, making it challenging to cheat them.

While synthetic urine is an alternative for passing a drug test, exploring more effective methods is crucial.

What Hair Follicle Drug Test Examines?

The collected hair sample is subjected to drug testing by the tester to detect THC metabolites, indicating drug consumption within the past 90 days. The drug test covers substances such as marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, PCP, methamphetamine, and opioids like morphine, codeine, and 6-acetyl morphine.

While some countries have legalized cannabis for recreational use, many employers still conduct drug tests to maintain drug-free workplaces.

These tests may be administered during the hiring process and periodically for current employees, serving as a tool to identify drug abuse among at-risk individuals.

If someone suggests that simply abstaining from cannabis products for a few days will help you pass a hair drug test, they are mistaken or attempting to deceive you.

Hair follicle tests have a detection period of 90 days, and you won’t receive a three-month advance notice for such tests.

Consequently, giving up weed consumption for at least 120 days is essential to stand a chance of passing the test and avoiding detection.

How Does Drug Testing On Hair Work?

When you smoke cannabis, it enters your bloodstream and eventually spreads throughout your body. 


Over time, THC metabolites find their way into your hair follicles through oils secreted by the glands on your scalp. These metabolites can remain in your hair for months, potentially leading to positive outcomes in drug tests.


If you’re preparing for a drug screening, you may wonder about the time frame a hair follicle drug test covers. To answer this, it’s essential to understand the test’s core principle.


During the test, a technician will cut a 1.5-inch strand of hair near your scalp. This length can detect substance use or its absence within the last 3 months. So, if you’re concerned about how long THC stays in your hair, the test can reveal marijuana usage over the past 90 days.


While bleaching your hair might seem like a cosmetic makeover, it won’t deceive chemical scientists as this method only has a 40% success rate.

You can, of course, shave all your body hair, including that of your head. But be ready with a good excuse to give your employer. Your “going bald” is a big giveaway that you’re trying to avert getting tested. Hair follicle tests require a minimum of a 1.5-inch sample.


And, if you cannot present a valid reason for going bald to your boss, you’re probably going to get fired, or, at best, be placed on probation while they wait “patiently” for your hair to grow back.


Now that you know which hacks don’t work for a hair follicle drug test, find out which methods do.

Common Drugs Detected in Hair Follicle Tests

In most places, hair follicle tests are the most preferred method of drug detection as the drugs can stay in the hair follicle for around 90 days. Some of the most common drugs that hair follicle tests can detect include – 

  1. Cannabis – Cannabis or THC, which is the psychoactive component, can easily be detected by hair follicle tests. 
  2. Cocaine – It consists of metabolites like benzoylecgonine, which is detectable in hair follicle drug tests.
  3. Opioids – Drugs like morphine and codeine are popular opioid drugs that can also be detected. 
  4. Amphetamines – This is a drug that is used in the treatment of ADHD, narcolepsy, and obesity
  5. Phencyclidine – It is a hallucinogenic drug in powder form that may lead to violent actions.

Importance of Passing a Hair Follicle Drug Test

Passing a hair follicle drug test can help you get your dream job and prevent legal consequences. It is important in many ways, so let’s discuss it in detail. 


Employment – Employers are increasingly mandating the hair follicle drug test for job applicants. If you’re eyeing that job, passing this test is non-negotiable. 


Legal – Courts may take legal action if they find you under the influence of drugs. So, passing a hair follicle test is extremely important to any lawsuit. 


Reputation – Passing drug tests is associated with a good reputation in society. It reflects your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. 

Best Strategies To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test

#1. Detox Shampoos

Easiest Method To Pass A Hair Drug Test

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo - theislandnow

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo is one of the easiest and most discreet methods for passing hair drug tests. This product’s unique formulation helps you pass the hair test by using it 24 hours before the test.


You can even use the shampoo on the day of the test. You can use the product daily or 3–10 days before the test. If you don’t have much time, you can also take multiple showers daily.


Remember to lather the hair with the shampoo properly and leave it in for at least 10 to 15 minutes before washing it out. Use the shampoo 15 minutes before the test to get the most effective results if possible.

Affordable Hair Detox Shampoo To Pass A Hair Drug Test

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo - theislandnow

The Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo comes with an internal hair purifying treatment and conditioner. As it removes all the external barriers to expose the inner hair, the purifier does its work by penetrating deep into the scalp, hair follicles, and hair shafts to dissolve and remove all the toxins and impurities.


Finally, the conditioner adds sheen to your hair and controls the frizzes and tangles, making your hair smoother and more manageable.


Note: But unlike the Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, the Ultra Clean Shampoo will not help you clear the hair follicle drug test independently. When you use it as a part of your thorough cleansing and detoxifying process, it definitely helps. But it might take longer. So, don’t forget to detox your hair before the test day.

#2. Home Remedies

You can also use some home remedies, which might be easier on the wallet. But bear in mind that these methods take a longer time to prepare and execute.


Most home remedies involve some affordable ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen, such as detergent, lemon juice, baking soda, sea salt, vinegar, etc.

The Jerry G Method

The Jerry G method presents an effective solution for eliminating drug toxins from your hair, named after its inventor, Jerry G, a marijuana enthusiast who introduced it in 2008.


This technique involves using potent ingredients that break down the hair cuticle, allowing the chemicals to penetrate all layers of the hair and successfully eliminate drug residues.


The Jerry G method has proven effective in cleansing hair of weed metabolites. However, it’s essential to note that this process requires a minimum of 10 days to complete and may cause significant damage to the hair.


To perform the Jerry G method and achieve a negative drug screen, you will need the following items:


  1. Permanent hair dye with ammonia, closely matching your natural hair color
  2. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo
  3. Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo
  4. Peroxide Bleach
  5. Baking soda paste
  6. A set of combs, brushes, towels, and hair accessories to prevent re-contamination

Warning: If you have sensitive skin, these methods could prove to be extremely painful and even detrimental to your skin health. Skin rashes resulting from such treatments would also serve as tell-tale signs of tampering with the test sample (hair).

#3. Abstain from Weed for at least 90 days

Some research surveys showed that traces of cocaine disappear from hair after the subjects stop consuming the drug for at least 90 days. 


According to a study, the subject- a woman, had stopped consuming cocaine after year-long drug abuse. Her hair samples were regularly collected over more than 10 months to monitor the chemical changes.


The results revealed that the level of cocaine in her hair significantly dropped in the course of the first three months after her last consumption. 


After that, no traces of cocaine were noticed in her hair after about 120 days – even in the sections closest to the roots.

How Hair Detox Shampoos Work?

Hair detox shampoos are designed to remove allergens from hair. Typically, drugs are taken orally and enter the blood, which, after a while, flows to the hair follicles in the scalp and remains there as hair grows. 

These shampoos have ingredients infused with a specific formulation to break down these toxic materials, making them easy to wash away while rinsing. 

Manufacturers claim that the effects of these shampoos may differ for different people. Still, generally, they consist of a blend of surfactants (compounds that clean the hair) and other ingredients that are supposed to go deeper between the strands. 

No shampoo can ever offer you a 100% success rate. However, studies and user reports demonstrate that the use of these products can actively reduce the levels of drugs in your hair, thereby making them a popular choice among those who want to pass the hair follicle drug test.

Can You Remove Metabolites From Hair?

A hair drug test targets the inner part of the hair shaft, not the outer layer. This is because as hair grows, nutrients from the bloodstream nourish it, and the metabolites from the drugs consumed get trapped in this section of the hair.

Since drugs circulate through the body via the veins and arteries, their metabolites become part of the hair growth process and cannot be removed once embedded.

Although shampoos or detox kits might slightly reduce the quantity of metabolites, they alone cannot help you pass the drug test. 

Can You Cheat a Hair Drug Test?

Can you get a clean result in a hair follicle drug test? In a sentence, yes, but it is quite difficult. It should be taken into consideration that hair follicle tests are important due to their precision, which makes it possible to detect a drug use up to 3 months close to the past. 


Hair follicle drug tests analyze the hair’s core, where the drug molecules get trapped on the hair shaft and remain there for a very long time, even if the drug is ingested. 


Detox shampoos melt these drug molecules, which are washed away while rinsing. However, it can be tricky, and depending on the person, its efficiency may or may not be 100%.

FAQs On How To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test

No, it’s highly improbable. A single instance of drug use will not lead to a significant substance concentration that can be detected through a hair test.

Similar to other substances, a hair test can detect marijuana usage within the past 3 months.

Hair drug testing has the capability to detect a variety of drugs and substances, including Benzodiazepines, Cannabis, Cocaine (including Crack Cocaine), Ecstasy (MDMA), Ketamine, Mephedrone (M-Cat), Methadone, Methamphetamine (including Amphetamine), and Opiates (including Heroin).

Detox shampoos may cause side effects like skin irritation, redness, itchiness, and dryness, especially those containing harsh chemicals that strip the hair of its natural oils. 


To avoid these discomforts, we have carefully selected the best options available, including Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Zydot Ultra Clean. These products deliver excellent results without any unpleasant side effects.

The hair follicle drug test can pick up drugs you used within the last 90 days. This is because hair grows about half an inch every month. So, in 3 months or 90 days, it may grow an inch and a half, which is the ideal length of hair required for a standard hair test.


Body hair might have a longer lookback period as it does not grow like the hair on your head.

Yes. All kinds of human hair can be used for hair follicle testing, even those on your eyebrows, hands, fingers, and toes, etc.

No detox shampoo comes with a 100% guarantee. However, some do come with a 99% success rate, such as the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. It is the closest product to grant a foolproof solution.

Unlike regular shampoos, drug detox shampoos come with a unique proprietary formula to help provide the desired results. It is impossible to duplicate these in lower-quality shampoos. This is why the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo holds a monopoly over the market. It is the only detox shampoo that comes with the highest success rate.

Since the Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo arrived on the market, it has remained the most preferred detox shampoo for passing a hair follicle test. No other product on the market has been able to beat its success rate so far.

Some prescribed drugs can lead to a false positive reading of your hair follicle drug test. Because of this, you may need to explain to your employer, along with some proof, about the components of your prescribed drugs that you have been using over the past three months.

Yes. If you took drugs just one time in the last 90 days, you could still test positive for it.

The Jerry G is the most recommended home remedies for detoxing your hair before a hair follicle drug test. 


Usually, these home remedies involve ingredients such as aloe vera, vinegar, or clay powder. However, these are not strong enough to remove THC or any other hard drug residue.


As a result, you will also need to use some type of detox shampoo, such as the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, for the complete result.


These methods are especially useful when you have a very short time before a hair test. When combined, they should accelerate the detox process.

Yes, although chemicals used for bleaching the hair will still be detectable in the hair analysis or drug test. Bleaching could contribute to lowering the amount of active compound in the hair roots to undetectable levels in the hair follicle test. 

However, it can never completely clean or remove the drug molecules, implying that hair follicle testing can still detect drug use.

Final Thoughts: How Long Do You Need To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test?

The hair follicle drug test can be challenging, and if you want to pass it, you need to know how the test is done and be willing to stay clean from all kinds of drugs. 


The test’s ability to detect drug use for up to 90 days is because drugs bind to the hair shaft as the hair keeps growing. This is the main reason why it is very difficult for people wanting to be clean of the drug system in a shorter time.


While detox shampoos and other instant solutions come with some hope, the truth is that they cannot be trusted completely. These methods could decrease the drugs found in hair follicles but can never eradicate the traces. 


The most obvious and trusted way to pass a hair follicle drug test is to avoid the use of drugs for at least 90 days before the examination.

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  • It’s been a year since I’ve last used and I might have to test for probation how far back does probation test for

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