Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal: Does it Work?

Deepanshu Bedi
Kratom for opiate withdrawal the island now

Kratom is an herbal extract known for its ability to promote relaxation, boost energy, and improve focus. Recently, kratom for opiate withdrawal has been rising in popularity. But does it really work?


If you take pain medications like Roxicodone or Oxycontin or others for a long time, your body becomes dependent on them. When you stop taking them, you might face unpleasant physical symptoms like sweating, vomiting, anxiety, and more.


Extracts from kratom leaves may offer a solution. People have been using kratom for opiate withdrawal as it is available as a dietary supplement across the country.


But what exactly is kratom, and how does it help with opioid withdrawal? We cover all that and more in this comprehensive guide.

What Is Kratom?

The leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree are commonly known as kratom. Native to regions like Indonesia, Malaysia, Borneo, etc., in Southeast Asia, kratom has been used for its soothing, pain-relieving, and stimulating effects for centuries. 


Kratom has been gaining popularity recently for its perceived effectiveness in treating opiate withdrawal symptoms, according to researchers at the University of Science, Malaysia. Kratom targets the natural opioid receptors in the brain and provides temporary relief in symptoms of withdrawal sickness. Paired with the low addiction potential of kratom and wide availability in the US, people struggling with opiate withdrawal find it a great option to reduce discomfort while weaning off.

How Kratom May Help Opiate Withdrawal?

Kratom is loaded with alkaloids that may help act as a potential aid for those facing opiate withdrawal symptoms. However, you must use kratom carefully and follow the dosage instructions closely. Here’s how it works:

Kratom’s Interaction With Opioid Receptors

The leaves of kratom contain alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These potent compounds interact with the body’s opioid receptors, similar to how opiates do, but without a high level of addiction risk. This interaction works in a similar way to opiates, delivering a sense of well-being and relief from physical discomfort. However, there’s a big difference- Kratom does not produce the same harmful effects on the body’s respiratory system. This crucial distinction makes it one of the most preferred ways for opiate withdrawal. 

Potential Benefits of Kratom for Withdrawal

People turning to kratom for opiate withdrawal may find many potential benefits. For example, the primary advantage is the ability to ease the transition of opiates by reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms. This is helpful for those who have developed a dependency on opiates and want a less harmful way to manage their withdrawal process. 


Also, kratom is available online easily and provides much greater flexibility while controlling the dosage, providing a managed approach to weaning off opiates. Here are some other noteworthy benefits of kratom for opiate withdrawal:

Relief of Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the most difficult parts of opiate withdrawal is the pain and discomfort associated with the process. Symptoms can include muscle aches, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. Kratom has been reported to alleviate these symptoms, making the withdrawal period more bearable. 


Its analgesic (pain relieving) properties can reduce pain perception, while its calming effects can help address anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Reduced Cravings

Another important aspect of opiate withdrawal is the management of cravings. You’ll face certain unpleasant urges when your body gets used to certain substances and doesn’t get them. 


Kratom may offer a way to lessen these cravings, acting as a stand-in that satisfies the body’s desire for opiates without the same addictive qualities or harmful effects. Kratom can help former opiate users gradually decrease their dependency by engaging with the opioid receptors less intensely, ultimately leading to a reduction in the urge to use opiates.

Best Kratom Strains for Withdrawal

Not all kratom strains may be effective in the same way for opiate withdrawal. Some strains have emerged as particularly beneficial, offering consistent relief in withdrawal symptoms and cravings:

Red Bali

Red Bali kratom, known for its strong painkilling effects, originates from Bali, Indonesia. It’s particularly popular among people facing pain and discomfort during opiate withdrawal. Red Bali can be effective for its ability to relax and relieve pain, making it a valuable partner in your transition away from opiates. It can also improve sleep patterns, which are often affected during withdrawal.

Red Thai

Red Thai kratom, a variety originating from Thailand, is widely known for its mood-boosting properties. 


It effectively balances pain relief with feelings of euphoria, providing support for individuals facing the emotional and psychological stress associated with opiate withdrawal. This strain can alleviate anxiety and depression, making the withdrawal process less difficult. 

Red Borneo

Red Borneo kratom, hailing from Borneo, is renowned for its prolonged effects in alleviating withdrawal symptoms. It effectively reduces anxiety, stress, and muscle pain often experienced during opiate withdrawal. 


This strain is best for people seeking sustained relief, as it helps maintain a steady and comfortable state throughout the day.

Is Kratom Overdose Possible?

Kratom, commonly used to deal with drug withdrawal symptoms, may lead to an overdose if used in quantities over what’s recommended by the manufacturer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also warned of overdose risks. 


From 2016 to 2017, there were 91 kratom-related overdose deaths. Overdose symptoms range from drowsiness to seizures and coma. Kratom’s unpredictable effects based on dosage require caution and understanding, particularly when combined with other substances. 


If you’re using kratom for opiate withdrawal, follow the dosage guidelines carefully and try to decrease the amount consumed for a safe withdrawal.

Opioid Addiction Treatment At Harmony Recovery

As the United States grapples with an opioid epidemic, the people at Harmony Recovery Center are well-informed with current info about what could make treating opioid addiction a comfortable, safe, and successful venture.


Despite anecdotal evidence indicating promise for kratom’s ability to treat opioid addiction, there is a severe lack of evidence to back it up. So, we don’t recommend using kratom for opiate withdrawal to treat this disease.


Instead, you’ll want to get involved with long-term, intense treatment using different medications prescribed by licensed and trained doctors. Medicines like naltrexone and Suboxone are some examples.


We provide extensive programs that provide both outpatient treatment and partial hospitalization. The services are evidence-based and necessary for your recovery journey.

Our services include but aren’t limited to the following: 


  • Aftercare help and planning
  • Adventure therapy
  • Music and Art therapy
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Treatment of co-occurring conditions
  • Education about substance abuse
  • Wellness and Health Education
  • Peer Group Support
  • Family and Individual counseling
  • Behavioral Therapy

Please get in touch with us immediately if somebody you care about is fighting opioid addiction. We ensure all clients get the support and tools needed to take back their lives without alcohol or drugs consuming them.

Potential Side Effects of Using Kratom

Taking kratom can cause different side effects depending on the dose. Low doses may boost energy, alertness, and social interactions. However, high doses, especially higher than recommended, can trigger adverse effects such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and urinary changes. 


Prolonged use may lead to unhealthy weight loss, sleep problems, and psychological issues like anxiety and irritability. It’s important to be aware of these side effects and use kratom with caution, following the dosage guidelines closely and reducing intake in every subsequent session.

FAQs Regarding Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal

Taking kratom can help reduce withdrawal symptoms within 30 minutes to 1 hour. Its effects can last for several hours, easing symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal, such as anxiety, muscle pain, and cravings.

Yes, kratom can be addictive if taken regularly and in higher than recommended doses. Excessive use of this substance can result in addiction and withdrawal symptoms resembling those caused by opiate use, such as irritability, aggression, and muscle discomfort. Users must control their intake to avoid these symptoms.

People use kratom for opiate withdrawal because its alkaloids bind with opioid receptors in the brain. This interaction mimics the effects of opiates but poses a lower risk of overdose. It can control withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, providing a smoother transition from opiates.

According to an article published in Clinical Guidelines For Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings, Buprenorphine is the best medicine for opioid withdrawal management.


It is ideal for managing moderate to severe withdrawals. It fights off withdrawal symptoms and helps patients lower their cravings for the drug of dependence.


According to the article, buprenorphine should be given after the individual being treated starts to undergo withdrawal symptoms (for example, 8 hours after the last heroin use). This feature is due to the medicine’s pharmacological action- a partial opiate agonist.


Patients with diabetes, urethral obstruction, and respiratory deficiency must use caution with this supplement.

Some viable alternatives for opioids are physical therapy, physical education, and exercise. TENS, or transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, may also be helpful. This therapy uses low-volt electricity currents.


Non-opioid medicines are also viable options. NSAIDs, steroids, antidepressants, and topical medicines may help. Acetaminophen may also help, which is commonly known as Tylenol.

Other solutions may be joint injections, in which corticosteroids are injected into the joints to relieve inflammation-related pain.


Other solutions include dorsal root ganglion and peripheral nerve stimulation, spinal cord stimulation, sympathetic nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablations, trigger point injections, and peripheral nerve blocks.


A licensed treatment facility can help connect you to a physician that can best help you.

Conclusion: Is Kratom A Partial Opioid Agonist?

So, is kratom for opiate withdrawal a good idea? More research is required as there are aspects of kratom that still need understanding. However, people across the world who have used it for opiate withdrawal have reported its effectiveness.


When using it for opiate withdrawal, it’s crucial to follow the kratom dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer. You must also reduce your intake in subsequent sessions to avoid addictive symptoms. 


If you’re struggling with opiate withdrawal, help is available. Depending on your situation, you might want to consider conventional drug rehabs like Harmony Recovery Centers, where mental and emotional support from professionals and peers might help you get off opiates gradually.

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