PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, Board of Trustees, Village of Thomaston

The Island Now


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matters:

Agency: Board of Trustees

Village of Thomaston

Date: May 14, 2018

Time: 7:30 pm

Place: Village Hall, 100 East Shore Road, Great Neck, New York 11023

Subject: Bill T1801. A local law to amend the Code of the Village of Thomaston to provide incentive zoning in the OB District.

At said time and place, all interested persons may be heard with respect to the foregoing matters.

The Board of Trustees, as lead agency, has determined pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action which has no significant adverse impact (negative declaration).

Any person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Administrator at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and participation.

All relevant documents may be inspected at the office of the Village Administrator, 100 E. Shore Road, Great Neck, New York, during regular business hours.

Dated: April 10, 2018


Denise M. Knowland, Village Administrator

GNN #148230

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