Readers Write: Attacks on Markowitz harm community

The Island Now

I continue to admire Steve Markowitz and his lifetime of dedication promoting tolerance and understanding amongst all peoples and for his ceaseless fight against antisemitism.

His selfless efforts on behalf of many causes and total dedication to the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center are a testimonial to his commitment.

He is amongst the most decent and accepting people I have known.

To even suggest that he is disposed against any segment of the Jewish community, or disrespectful of any race, religion, faction or nationality would be ludicrous and laughable if it were not a serious matter

Those (he or they) who make this despicable charge and attempt to assail Mr. Markowitz’ stellar reputation, for whatever self-serving perceived advantage, does so with deliberate and complete disregard for the well being of the community.

It has been reported that they are now attempting to leverage their distempered venom to dissuade financial support to the Nassau Holocaust Center, one of our country’s most venerable institutions. This vicious and unjustified bullying has no place in our town.

People such as Steve Markowitz and so many other self-sacrificing citizen volunteers have worked so hard to bring the many beautiful, disparate and changing cultures and challenging human nuances into one relatively harmoniously functioning mosaic.

To allow the virus of hate and voice of dissonance to destroy our progress would be as a sin.

Gary Ackerman


Former U.S. Congressman

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