Reader’s Write: Push for pedestrian safety

The Island Now

I applaud and approve of the GN Village residents who are pushing for pedestrian safety. While I question whether prohibiting right turns on red is effective, I can tell you it’s frightening to walk along Old Mill on Saturdays, or any day, while drivers and commercial traffic whizzes by. On Brokaw, where I live, my child and dog are often out along the street, drivers believe it’s the Daytona 500 Speedway. I’ve had many many conversations with the village, the town, the county and with legislative reps, but no one will agree that speed bumps will play a valuable part in slowing down the racers. In 30 years, I’ve lost a number of friends to ‘pedestrian’ accidents and seen some others seriously injured. Fortunately, I wasn’t in my driveway a few weeks ago when a driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the fire hydrant just 4 feet from my driveway.

David Levin

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