Readers Write: Stellato has earned re-election to park board

The Island Now

Great Neck Park District Commissioner Tina Stellato, who is also chair of the Park Board, is seeking a second 3-year term in office. The vote is on Tuesday, Dec. 8. Although the ballot will show an opposing candidate, that person entered a late withdrawal from the race.

Although Commissioner Stellato is running unopposed, these circumstances nonetheless provide us with the opportunity to recognize this commissioner’s strong commitment to our park system and her outstanding performance in supporting and enhancing the Park District’s goals with regard to meeting the needs of district residents.

I strongly urge all residents to come out and cast their votes to re-elect Commissioner Tina Stellato on Tuesday, December 8.

Commissioner Stellato had a strong background in Park District functions even before being elected. Upon taking office three years ago, Ms. Stellato lost no time in helping to advance and improve the district’s programs, initiatives, and facilities.

One only has to look at the Park District’s website to discover the incredibly wide range of programs designed to meet various recreational, educational and remedial needs of young and old, adults and children, athletic or sedentary, and competitors as well as observers.

Commissioner Stellato has shown wise judgment in helping her fellow Commissioners and Administrators to consider how the District can move forward without added burden on taxpayers.

In fact, district taxes have been kept under a tight lid for many years, largely due to the policy of spreading costs to specific users of Park programs rather than only District taxpayers. 

Among the many park issues that have drawn Commissioner Stellato’s attention are added educational programs for adults and special needs children, improved summer camps, broad efforts to modernize playgrounds, improvements in summer concerts and the ongoing work in developing a Master Plan for the future.

During the current covid19 pandemic, Commissioner Stellato has supported the Park Board’s efforts to keep park facilities open safely as well as add many new virtual programs to continue services during this health emergency.              

All told, in my opinion, Commissioner Tina Stellato clearly deserves another term in office.                                                                                    


Leon Korobow

Great Neck,


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