This letter is in response to the letter written by former Great Neck Library trustees conveying their endorsement of candidates in the upcoming Library election.
As a former Library employee, let me say that I am particularly disappointed, no, angry, with the so-called accomplishments rendered upon the public by those former board members. The Main Library renovation was a disaster from the beginning, with budget overruns, construction overruns, the destruction of the collection, falsehoods and lies, ending in a malfunctioning building, with lawsuits pending to correct the problems. It is five years later and these former board members have nothing to brag about.
The current staffing shortages and reduction of services (try calling Media or Reference) are a direct result of years of mismanagement by certain former board members. The wonderful staff who muddled through the pandemic and continue to serve us deserves the credit here. Not former board members, and definitely not the candidates they recommend.
I have lived in Great Neck almost my entire life and am raising my son here. It is time to elect trustees to continue the changes being offered by the more progressive current board members in concert with our new permanent Library director. I urge my fellow residents to vote for Kim Schader and Doug Hwee to help the Library advance into the future.
Karen Hirsch Romero
Great Neck